Monkey Leaving TE :(

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Yes its true... And as i have been told its gonna happen by mid-night... Funkymonkey our of the leet members is going solo... i.e. Just Funky instead of Funkymonkey :P...

Do you guys think thats fair... I dont think it is cause what will i do without monkey man... He was my prime souce to so many jokes... For Example

All in all... I want our funkymonkey to be funkymonkey and not plain funky... Come on guys... What the hell will funky do without monkey... Think of it...

So i am posting a poll and your vote is very very precious as it will only influence him or should i say will influence the more influential peeps of TE(I am reffereing to Mods here)... Should he be funky or be funkymonkey...

I say let him be funkymonkey :hap2:
I want the Monkey back..... Now Funky console the Monkey and bring him back else i'll :chair: :2guns:
there is a "madmonkey" too he will be a "a-kela" monkey if this happens so we need a "funkymonkey" to accompany "madmonkey".
how bout chunky monkey or clunky monkey or Funkin Monkey or stinkin monkey

Anywhich way, plz don't drop the monkey moniker
am not gonna comment on anything you guyz gonna tell about me.. talk what ever you want to.. i dont care:no:
So change you nick Udit :bleh:..
Get your nick make Udit from udit-130286 man :S..
Wtf is the 130286 for? I guess its your birthday...
switch kunch aur kam dhanda nahi hai kya?
:no: :no: :no: :no:
Well i was thinking of completely dropping funkymonkey and go for my real name, but then it would have been totally strange so went in for Funky.
Monkey is gone outa my system, there is a say " age reflects" :P
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