More than 23 million ps3's now sold !

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getting a console for exclusives - we should have some renting services. rent a ps3 on daily basis for some reasonable amount. I used to get ps2 rented at Ahmadabad- the guy charge me around 500 bucks for 2 days 2 nights with choice of around 5-10 games.


very true regarding the 400 bucks GTA and 800 bucks Mass Effects - those are price which we will pay -PC game rocks so far
Party Monger said:
Thats what im saying

30k for tv, 25 k for ps3, and u still hav to pay a bomb for games..:@


But not all's in hands of Sony or game publishers:

# Game developers are bound to keep prices high due to high cost of dev license from Sony.

# Sony can't decrease price of license.

# It can't decrease price of console either.

# Since they're still losing money selling each PS3.

# What can one say when he hears that? :S

What I like is:

# PSP was a success only because you could easily pirate. It hurts to pay for each game. Even good PSP games aren't cheap! But Sony's definite to not let the hackers rip the game developers. Genuinely, that's good.. because I'm trying my hands at game dev these days :P

# PS3 should still compete with the next XBOX in 2010, if any, as per speculations. (Maybe it's the Natal version? They probably want to upgrade their machine to come at least at par with Sony. HD DVD fail probably hit them hard.)

# I like Natal. As a joke for gameplay concept. Hah.

Do I sound biased? I might be, Sony products are good, even for the price they ask. :P
Party Monger said:
Thats what im saying
30k for tv, 25 k for ps3, and u still hav to pay a bomb for games..:@

its still better than paying 50k for a pc that will play games at high settings & hd res for only 6months. think about it.
stormblast said:
its still better than paying 50k for a pc that will play games at high settings & hd res for only 6months. think about it.

Atleast in those 6 months, i can play many more games that i would play on a ps3 in my whole life time:ashamed:
And a pc can do lot more than just play games..but this is not a pc vs ps3 debate...
stormblast said:
its still better than paying 50k for a pc that will play games at high settings & hd res for only 6months. think about it.

I wouldn't agree with that. lets just say that for 75k you get a PC that will last you an year for high end gaming. Lets also assume that you play 30 titles in an year.

First Year

PC - 75k

30 Games @ 750 each - 22.5k (Games range from 300~1000 bucks)

Total : 97.5k

PS3 - 25k

30 Games @ 2750 each - 82.5k (Games range form 2500~3500 bucks)

Total : 107.5k

Second Year

PC - 50k (Upgrades)

30 Games - 22.5k

Total: 72.5k

PS3 - NA

30 Games - 82.5k

Total: 82.5k

Of course you can find spend more than that on PC, but then you are getting a lot in return for that as well.
stormblast said:
its still better than paying 50k for a pc that will play games at high settings & hd res for only 6months. think about it.

What output are the PS3 games?

600p? (Modern Warfare2) 720p? 1080p?

Why do you think a PC will cost you 50k to game at that resolution?

25k initial investment.

2 years down the line, another mid-range card for 5k.

So 30k is all it would cost you if you compare like-to-like.

@Lord Nemesis - You are joking right? Like I said above, a PC to play at resolutions of the PS3 will not cost more than 25k.

Edit 2: @Lord Nemesis. Apologies, had not read your post properly.
The hardcore gamers like me Finish the games with in 3 days MAX , the we need to spend 50K for games for 1 month

I just collected 75 games for PC till now with in 3 years

PS - 2 with in 5 years more than 250 games (some of them are PIr)

We can give 30K for console that doesn't matter but the games are too high for hardcore games when the games hit the price of 1K then i ll buy it

Afraid to buy Xbox 360 my first one gone RROD cant fix !!
^Lol I hope you've seen the images floating around the WWW of what it seems like the newer design of the slim PS3. I hope Sony has not employed a bunch of retards to have the newer slim PS3 designed like that!
whatsinaname said:
What output are the PS3 games?
600p? (Modern Warfare2) 720p? 1080p?

Why do you think a PC will cost you 50k to game at that resolution?

25k initial investment.
2 years down the line, another mid-range card for 5k.
So 30k is all it would cost you if you compare like-to-like.

@Lord Nemesis - You are joking right? Like I said above, a PC to play at resolutions of the PS3 will not cost more than 25k.
Edit 2: @Lord Nemesis. Apologies, had not read your post properly.

ps3 games are 720p & 1080p. since when do mid range card that cost 5000rs play these games at high settings? by high i mean max settings with atleast some decent aa & good fps.
stormblast said:
ps3 games are 720p & 1080p. since when do mid range card that cost 5000rs play these games at high settings? by high i mean max settings with atleast some decent aa & good fps.

My last system had a 8600GT bought at about 5k. I played Call of Duty 4 on it at 1680x1050 high settings when it came out.

Edit: Sorry, actually, this is wrong. I played it at 1280x800. The higher resolution was after I got my 4870. Even then. 1280x800 is higher that it runs on the PS3.

Also, what graphically intensive PS3 games run at 1080p?

Most are at 720p and I am sure any 5k range card will play new games at 1024x768.
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