Mosquito mayhem!

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Mosquito net on windows and keep doors shut in evening. One days work and lot of releif from mosquitos since then.I use the same.

Or. Use AC all the time. i.e. room will be closed most of the times. (if electricity bill is not a concern.
I was not able to sleep properly for so many nights at my home in delhi untill I bought a mosquito net recently. Nothing else worked.
imo rackets are just gimmiks , and personally i prefer killing each mosquitoes with high powered laser. its slow but totally practical method
Just remembered. I think it was #[member='rocker123'] who suggested the mosquito app to me. Maybe he can shed some light on how effective it is?
#[member='m0h1t'] if you are opting for the nylon mosqiuito nets on your windows (I believe one popular brand is called Netlon), please have the person fitting it for you make the velcro strips along the edges extra wide. This way, after washing it if it gets warped\shrinks or if the wood in the window warps, you get some leeway with the extra velcro to ensure a gap-free fit.
mozzies get attracted to certain kind of people , me fortunately am not one of them

Come to think of it, do these parasites get attracted to a certain type of blood? I have always noticed during my hostel days, when it used to be monsoons the mosquitoes only seem to target some of them in a room. I mean some of them used to wake up itching so badly whereas the rest had an extremely peaceful sleep! Irrespective of using the blanket or applying Odomos or switching on the repellent.
Come to think of it, do these parasites get attracted to a certain type of blood? I have always noticed during my hostel days, when it used to be monsoons the mosquitoes only seem to target some of them in a room. I mean some of them used to wake up itching so badly whereas the rest had an extremely peaceful sleep! Irrespective of using the blanket or applying Odomos or switching on the repellent.

Yup, I too have experienced this, may be its the heat signature or something?

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Well u see it's only the female variety who sucks on the blood (talking about the mosquito here), so its not something odd that they be bothering a certain male in from the crowd.
get the electric racket... it's so satisfying to electrocute those **ckers !

Mt. Gandhi said " Revenge is the most pure emotion".

Come to think of it, do these parasites get attracted to a certain type of blood? I have always noticed during my hostel days, when it used to be monsoons the mosquitoes only seem to target some of them in a room. I mean some of them used to wake up itching so badly whereas the rest had an extremely peaceful sleep! Irrespective of using the blanket or applying Odomos or switching on the repellent.


Also rackets do work. I am using 1 as i type. Electrocuted that b1tch real bad.
mosquitoes are very very bad and irritating.i was once so irritated that i went and bought a smg to deal with them.its another thing that they filed a complainted against me for reckless shooting
#[member='m0h1t'] here is a new solution

Hate Itchy Mosquito Bites? Building Up an Immunity Only Requires About 15,000 Bites Per Year

Meet Steve Schutz. Some might say he's very dedicated to his work. But others would call him downright crazy. You see Steve works in an insectarium, a place where mosquitos are born and raised. And to ensure its residents are well-fed and propagate, he serves up his bare arm once a week for dinner.

As a result, after a feeding the 50 red welts on his lower arm barely even register as a slight tingle since Steve has built up an immunity to the mosquito's saliva. Over the past 12 years he's been bitten over 150,000 times, since the warm fresh blood is basically what the insects feed on out in the wild. And it's just a heck of a lot easier than preparing 50 tiny insect-sized baby bottles full of blood. But it's all in the name of science, since the lab where Steve works studies the effects of pesticides on the bugs, to test if, and how quickly, they become resistant. [Contra Costa Times via Discoblog via Geekosystem]

and here is a small video

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