CPU/Mobo Motherboard Beats my CPU

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hi i have gigabyte G31M-ES2L motherboard and Intel Pentium D 3.0GHz Processor. The problem is that my motherboard is showing my processors speed 2.4GHz. For confirming this i try portable version of EVEREST and chose ther REPORT function there and again in the report made by that function it is clear that my motherboard is treating my processor as 2.4GHz also i checked this in the BIOS setting. PLEASE TELL ME HOW TO CLEAR THIS CONFLICT?

One possible reason which i found behind this conflict is BIOS version. The current version is F8 but at the site of Gigabyte it is stated that my processor is supported by After versions "FC". you can check it by yourself, here is the link
GIGABYTE - Support&Download - Motherboard - CPU Support List - GA-G31M-ES2L (rev. 2.x):huh:
One more thing i didn`t try the solution of updating my bios, because my last two Mboards of P4 bacome useless after taking panga:ohyeah: with their bios. PLEASE TELL ME POSSIBLE SOLUTION AND CLARIFY ME IF I AM WRONG SOMEWHERE. here are some images related to my query-:

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try turning speedstep off in the bios,the cpu underclocls itself when not under load,do some heavy video encoding,and run cpu-z at that time,cpu clock speed should be at 3ghz
Many Pentium D CPU integrated with speedstep technology that allows CPU to reduce core frequency and voltage in idle run, disable from BIOS if you are not happy with power saving.
hmmmmmmmmm this is my first time time overclocking and also i dont want to hurt my CPU so after successfull working i will overclock more.
I have the same motherboard with e7500 , just disable the power saving options from the bios . My cpu speed showed just 1.6ghz when power saving options were enabled . go into bios and disable cpu enhanced halt and cpu Eist functions .
salman8506 said:
Your Procy can do 4ghz without Sweat :)

What? Pentium D hitting 4Ghz without a sweat..Even 3.4Ghz Pentium D were electric Stoves. Only CPU which hits 4Ghz w/o breaking a sweat and with stock cooler is the C2D E8XXX family which is a much evolved 45nm proccy.
I ran pentium D at 4.0ghz for quite sometime 6+months so i thought i shud share.:) And i was not considering he will want to hit 4Ghz on stock cooler. Only people wanting to kill their chips with heat will do that :hap5:
no i dont want it to overclock that too much. i just want it to run at 3.3GHz, but currently at 3.03GHz it is running at 60-65 degree celsius. what should i do? Also i am running my proccy with coolermaster cooler purchased from "buygamingstuff" in 250 bucks.
The CM OEM cooler is slightly better than the stock intel ones. Disable any smartfan kinda feature in bios, and itll bring down the temperature. And btw, pentium D safely touches 80~85c. no worries there.
i cleared my temperature related issues after tweaking some option and now i successfully overclocked to 3.12GHz (thanks to SIDHU_PUNJAB) and my idle temperature is at 45-49 degree celsius and on load it goes upto 60-65 degree celsius.

I recently purchased coolermaster gemini2 plus aftermarket cpu cooler for my this CPU does it help me ?
Why spending so much for minor performance gain that may not occur.You should have purchased E5200/5300 for 1500 more and it would have yielded major performance increase.

e5xxx is much newer processor than the pentium D. The pentium D was launched even much before the introduction of Core 2 Duos.

E5xxx is less than a year old proccy, while Pentium D is 3 yr old proccy.

btw coolers are never a waste of money. They have really gr8 resale value than other hardwares like gcard, proccy etc. you can use the same cooler even after a full upgrade of mobo+cpu.

the purchase of the processor E7200 is in the line


thanx for the info

can anyone tell me with what settings i can touch the 3.5GHz with same cpu?
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