CPU/Mobo Motherboard display problem

Hi friends,

I have a 785 GMT UD3H Gigabyte mobo which I am using along with Quardracore AMD processor.

For the last few days its display goes off and returns when I disambles and re-essambles the whole PC. Now from yesterday, I am not getting any type of display on my monitor. I hv tried everything but all in vein.

This is a new PC and is just 6 months old. Is this a mobo problem as I have checked the PC on different monitor and there also it is not showing any display.

Just to mention that this PC is OCed to 3.4 ghz from the default 2.9 (AMD X4 635 processor) on air. So if i go to the service centre will they find out that the mobo is used for OCing and will they repair it after finding the same. Is it violation of the warranty.

Pls help....
Well, my first point of checking will be the RAM. Remove it and reseat it in another slot. Check if it makes any difference.

Next, check with a diff PSU. If problem is still not solved, remove CMOS battery and try again.

Please include additional info to trouble shoot your problem, like fan is spinning, leds are blinking, etc. Also any beeps from the mobo?
Well I have checked the ram by putting in different slots but earlier it used to make a difference but now it is not working as the same has been told earlier that I I disambles and re-essambles the whole PC and it started working.

My CMOS battery was giving a problem few days ago as it needed a replacement which I did'nt do as I did'nt got time. I will change it and then get back again.

Lastly to tell you that everying except display is working. My mobo does not have any speaker so I don't hear any sound from the mobo.
I believe the motherboard is getting short somewhere as this happened after you dis-assembled and re-assembled your PC. Please ensure that the motherboard is mounted properly in the cabinet and the cabinet body is not in direct contact with any part of the MB PCB.