CPU/Mobo Motherboard Not Booting

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d@rK nEmEsIs

Hey guys I am facing some problems with my granny's comp.

The comp stopped working one day with bsod so i started basic tests to check for faults but i am still not able to find out the issue.

Motherboard is Asus P4GE-MX.I swapped the ram into other motherboard and it is booting.

When I am starting mobo without any ram if is giving proper cmos beep error(Long Beeps)

But when I am starting it with the ram installed,the mobo is powering on and off continuously without booting.

I even swapped the proccy and still not luck.

Need your advice guys.
it might be a bios problem coz sometimes when the bios isnt stable due to OC or other reasons this can happen

try to clear Cmos and then try maybe?
paraskhosla said:
it might be a bios problem coz sometimes when the bios isnt stable due to OC or other reasons this can happen

try to clear Cmos and then try maybe?
+1 i also recently faced the same problem and after clearing my CMOS the damn thing started working again
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same thing happen with my gigabyte board..

its a motherboard problem..

if it is under warranty take it to service centre
might be an issue with the ram slots itself ... hope the mobi is completly stripped off ... try reseating the proc few times .... use sharp blower to clean all slots

yup it is and i did tried resetting proccy many times.

Seems mobo is gone.

And it is out of warranty,any specific place in lammy to repair mobo.
it might be a bios problem coz sometimes when the bios isnt stable due to OC or other reasons this can happen

uhmm..Why would his granny overclock her system? lol.

No offense bro.
hash said:
it might be a bios problem coz sometimes when the bios isnt stable due to OC or other reasons this can happen.

uhmm..Why would his granny overclock her system? lol. No offense bro.

:lol: :lol:

Anyways, jokes apart, I think its an issue with the ram slots itself.. Try another RAM and see if your PC boots or not. If it fails to boot, then I think you need to repair/buy motherboard...
How old is the motherboard.How many ram sticks are you using.If you are using 2 ram slots try disabling dual channel here.

Also do the rubber trick on ram.I think its ram issue.
Is it a cold boot issue?

Have you been able to run Mobo even once with O/C failure message?

Try generic RAM.

If nothing works get Mobo repaired or new mobo.
I did the rubber trick and the mobo booted.But now it is restarting after 20 seconds of booting.

And when I put ram in one slot it restarts continuously in a loop.

And in another slot it is restarting after 20 seconds.
I think reading suggests he used the same Ram.

@d@rK nEmEsIs .Do you happen to have hot air Gun.Looks Soldering is corroded somewhere if as you mean Rubber Trick worked for you.

Also try using isopropyl Alcohol on the Ram as well as Motherboard slot. Sometimes oxidation is hard to be removed via rubber trick.

You can check is the northbridge/southbridge heatsink is properly seated and see if cleaning and applying new thermal compound helps
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