I have recently assembled a new system first time all myself. I dont know if this is stupid but iam unable to understand.
I bought a E6550 + ASUS p5k-vm. I am using onboard grapics and 2x1 GB 667 MHz RAM.
The Cabinet that i bought is Apex TU-150.
The problem is that when i am running ASUS probeII software, it tells me this (pic attached).
At this moment, the Mobo temprature is 41C. I did some changes in the fans though. At 45C, i get a warning beep and it turns red like chasis.
I got one fan of 90mm installed on the back side and one same size i got unattached. After seeing that 45C mobo temp. i attached this extra fan on the side panel opposite mobo(see 2nd attachment).
Case 1: If this 2nd attached fan throws air out, the temperature still goes upto 46C without much system activity.
Case 2: If this 2nd attached fan sucks air and throws on mobo, the temperature aint going up even to 42C when i am running virus scan and simulatenously watching movie.
So is there a compulsivity that fans should always throw air out of the cabinet? (otherwise moisture??)
And also, i can change the warning beep temperature, right now 45C is when its at the minimal. But its default.
So is there a need of extra fans and all. I havent done any overclocking while i checked all this.
I bought a E6550 + ASUS p5k-vm. I am using onboard grapics and 2x1 GB 667 MHz RAM.
The Cabinet that i bought is Apex TU-150.
The problem is that when i am running ASUS probeII software, it tells me this (pic attached).
At this moment, the Mobo temprature is 41C. I did some changes in the fans though. At 45C, i get a warning beep and it turns red like chasis.
I got one fan of 90mm installed on the back side and one same size i got unattached. After seeing that 45C mobo temp. i attached this extra fan on the side panel opposite mobo(see 2nd attachment).
Case 1: If this 2nd attached fan throws air out, the temperature still goes upto 46C without much system activity.
Case 2: If this 2nd attached fan sucks air and throws on mobo, the temperature aint going up even to 42C when i am running virus scan and simulatenously watching movie.
So is there a compulsivity that fans should always throw air out of the cabinet? (otherwise moisture??)
And also, i can change the warning beep temperature, right now 45C is when its at the minimal. But its default.
So is there a need of extra fans and all. I havent done any overclocking while i checked all this.