CPU/Mobo Motherboard Temperature problem

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I have recently assembled a new system first time all myself. I dont know if this is stupid but iam unable to understand.

I bought a E6550 + ASUS p5k-vm. I am using onboard grapics and 2x1 GB 667 MHz RAM.
The Cabinet that i bought is Apex TU-150.

The problem is that when i am running ASUS probeII software, it tells me this (pic attached).

At this moment, the Mobo temprature is 41C. I did some changes in the fans though. At 45C, i get a warning beep and it turns red like chasis.

I got one fan of 90mm installed on the back side and one same size i got unattached. After seeing that 45C mobo temp. i attached this extra fan on the side panel opposite mobo(see 2nd attachment).

Case 1: If this 2nd attached fan throws air out, the temperature still goes upto 46C without much system activity.

Case 2: If this 2nd attached fan sucks air and throws on mobo, the temperature aint going up even to 42C when i am running virus scan and simulatenously watching movie.

So is there a compulsivity that fans should always throw air out of the cabinet? (otherwise moisture??)

And also, i can change the warning beep temperature, right now 45C is when its at the minimal. But its default.

So is there a need of extra fans and all. I havent done any overclocking while i checked all this.
fuzail said:
change the mb

I dont think it would be sensible to change the mobo since this can be very well solved by applying the fans in a better way. But i need guidance. :)
fuzail said:
change the mb

WOW amazing reply and suggestion,anyone with lil prblm etc shud change da whole component!:S

Well Akshay i dont know much bout the temperature thing so i m sure others will help u out on this,but whta i know is C2D runs arnd 50 degree C at full load sooo i dont think there is anything serious!!
Aniruddh said:
WOW amazing reply and suggestion,anyone with lil prblm etc shud change da whole component!:S

Well Akshay i dont know much bout the temperature thing so i m sure others will help u out on this,but whta i know is C2D runs arnd 50 degree C at full load sooo i dont think there is anything serious!!

Yes not very serious, the processor max temp. according to intel manual is 60C. But unable to find out the max temp of Mobo. By default this software rings bell at 45C. And the 2 fans attached in the cabinet are connected directly from the SMPS. There is a 3 pin supply for chassis fan in the mobo, but i dont have a 3 pin fan so thats why this is showing me red. Now where do i install a chassis fan and whats the approx. cost of it? Do i even need it?
^ Dnt worry nothing will happen my Mobo temps are 43-46

jus use a fan facing the NB HS and blowing cold air on it.
Depends on what the heat conditions are, inside the cabinet. Obviously use the one which gives u the lower temperature. And one more thing, I guess u probably need to do away with Asus Probe and get everest or speedfan
Your temperatures are fine..just adjust pc probe so that it only beeps once the temperature crosses 55-60 degrees, or better yet..turn it off! I think you only need to use it while benchmarking, or playing games initially to see if everythings ok...and your set up seems alright. Temperatures in Bombay average ~30, so 10-15 degrees above that is to be expected, and normal...under idle conditions. Plus you're running onboard graphics, so there'll always be some load on the north bridge, so you've got nothing to worry about. To be safe, try running a game for an hour, and if your computer begins acting funny, or you begin seeing weird artifacts on your screen, then, and only then do you have something to worry about. Also, stop monitoring fans which aren't attached! There are headers on the motherboard where you can attach extra fans if you like, but you've already got extras fans in your cabinet, so you don't need to use them...so stop monitoring fans that don't exist!!
no problem.

One more thing, try and put some dust filters over all the fans blowing air into your case. Some muslin cloth, or a really old worn out t-shirt stretched over the fan screws, on the outside of the grill should do it. May make your temps rise by a degree or two, but in the long run will really help your system.
actually the dust filter doesn't need to be on the outside of the grill...just make sure it doesn't get caught in the fan.
Khimera said:
Depends on what the heat conditions are, inside the cabinet. Obviously use the one which gives u the lower temperature. And one more thing, I guess u probably need to do away with Asus Probe and get everest or speedfan

Does Asus Probe do a better job than Everest or Speedfan? I have installed all of them and they give the same temp.

I also have a problem. The mobo temp is greater than CPU temp. :rofl:
This is my AMD machine which I only use for internet browsing. Asus cool and quiet is enabled. No overclocking.
Using stock cooler and a Panaflo fan. 400W I-Ball PSU.
With both AC on/off I have this same temp showing... Mobo temp slightly greater than CPU temp. (Certainly comes down when AC is running, but the difference remains.)
At present without AC it reads: Mobo-42C and CPU-38C. 2HDDs-37C.
Any reactions/suggestions will be appreciated. :S
Thats probably cos there's active cooling on your cpu, and passive cooling for the mainboard.

And all monitoring software should be about equal..they just pick up their readings from the bios.
iamddevil said:
no problem.

One more thing, try and put some dust filters over all the fans blowing air into your case. Some muslin cloth, or a really old worn out t-shirt stretched over the fan screws, on the outside of the grill should do it. May make your temps rise by a degree or two, but in the long run will really help your system.

Yes. i agree with u. I will do that. Thanks very much again. One more thing, there is a duct attached on my cabinet that faces the CPU fan. Is it advisable to change the position of the second fan and put it where the duct is? It will suck air and throw on the CPU as well as North Bridge. What do u say?

that duct was for pentium 4 type cpu's - made to throw out hot air instead of blowing in air and making the cabinet warmer with heated air from the cpu!

i read it somewhere but dont remember the source.
Thats probably cos there's active cooling on your cpu, and passive cooling for the mainboard.

And all monitoring software should be about equal..they just pick up their readings from the bios.

Then perhaps there's nothing weird, I hope.
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