Linux mounting problems in FC4??

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I'm having problems mounting my ntfs parttiion automatically when I log into linux.The fat partition s getting loaded automatically.(I edited the fstab file for that.)I can access fat partitons as a user as well as root.But ntfs partition has to be mounted each time I log in,but I can do that only as root.Is there anyway to mount ntfs partiton automatically or at least mount it manually as a normal user because it wont let me do tht.(It says only mount:root can do that)
dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c ntfs ro, users,exec,uid=500,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0

Put your own drive and path in place of hda1 and /mnt/win_c
Thanks worked.Can you tell me what that iocharset means???
I ve mounted 2 parttions now...1 fat partition onto windowsfat32 folder and the other ntfs parttion onto windows folder.Can I mount another partition onto one of these folders or will I have to create another folder???
It is the "users" option to "mount" that does the trick

there is something called "man mount" in nix and google=iocharset if i remember correctly ;)


Character set to use for converting between 8 bit characters and 16 bit Unicode characters. The default is iso8859-1. Long filenames are stored on disk in Unicode format.


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