Any experiences with mice that don't double click?
Asus has some mice with hot swap switches :
Has anyone tried them?
I have this particular mouse (electropunk edition), it doesnt have any double click issues but the side buttons are real flimsy (I broke my button 4 by having it bound to pickup items in PUBG, tried all sorts of things to fix it but to no avail). Its a very responsive mouse otherwise and I got it only cause its shape is so reminiscent of my first ever gaming mouse the Diamondback by Razer (a brand well known for double clicking issues but in their defense the build quality of their mice has improved tremendously over the years).
PM me if you're interested, I shall send you pics of the same.
Now coming to mice that dont double click, I have used tonnes of mice over the years and steelseries is a worthy mention. You'll have to splurge a little to get the upper end models (I've used the rival 300, rival 310 and sensei 310), none gave me any double clicking issues ever in a use period of close to 2-3 years each. Logitech mice too at the mid-upper range are just as reliable (experienced the logitech 402 and 403)
Another easy solution I've found to double clicking issues that may happen at random is to simply blow a directed blast of compressed air at the buttons from wherever the openings in the mouse allow. This happens commonly in india being a more humid and dusty place in general.
I currently am using a hyperx pulsefire haste and am glad to report I haven't encountered any double clicking in a year or so.
Another small recommendation I have to all indian gamers is, if possible, keep a separate decent mouse (like a logitech 102) for sessions of dota2, lol etc and a good/great mouse for general FPS or other non click intensive games or casual gaming sessions. Almost all my serious dota2 playing friends face double click issues in a year or so, i think it's to do with the number of clicks and intensity of them in game that just beats the hell out of switches.
Hope this helps ! I have attached a small pic of my personal collection in 2020, I've added a few since

(so you can be sure to take my word on mice)

Have a good one.