Mozillas new project :minefield

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stumbled acrross this on the net about mozillas next browser which is called minefield here is the ful article

A colleague today showed me a cool, new browser that he's been using to browse the web at blisteringly fast speeds. The browser? Minefield. The author of the code?
Yes, that same Mozilla that makes the Firefox browser. Minefield is, in fact, a way to glimpse into the future of Firefox, as it's a pre-release/alpha version of the Firefox browser.
After spending some time with Minefield, one thing is clear: the future of Firefox is fast. Lightning fast.
How fast? Some claim that it has the fastest javascript engine on the planet, which means it leaves Google's Chrome browser in the dust. In my own unscientific tests, I'd say that this assertion is correct. Ars Technica pegs Minefield as 10 percent faster than Chrome.
You can download the latest nightly build for Mac OS X, Linux, or Windows, but be warned: it's alpha code. While a quick scan of the Web shows few complaints as to stability, Minefield may not be for you. It doesn't support some of my favorite Firefox extensions (like Adblock Plus), but it actually has surprisingly good support for extensions, given that it's a fast-moving project.
Feeling brave? Or simply feeling like your browser is too slow? Give Minefield a try. It's a separate install so it won't affect an existing Firefox install. You have nothing to lose but your chains.

Think Firefox 3 is fast? Try Firefox Minefield | The Open Road - The Business and Politics of Open Source by Matt Asay - CNET News
Also If you compile any version of firefox urself you will get the name as minefield in the product. Its called minefield coz the latest non released version snapshots can and will have bugs which you can come across. Its like treading on a minefield.
Please refer to the post by TheIceBreaker above. Its just the name given to the latest mozilla dev builds, nothin radical as such.

You've downloaded or compiled a "trunk build"

Minefield Start Page

So its NOT a new project :)

The speed difference is probably because the new tracemonkey javascript engine must be active here.

Even the latest proper Beta has the same (though you need to switch it on explicitly). I am guessing that will be a lot more stable than these builds :P

Mozilla Firefox - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The precursory releases of upcoming Firefox releases are codenamed "Minefield", as this is the name of the trunk builds.

The codename Minefield and a modified version of the generic logo stylized to look like a bomb is used for unofficial builds of version 3.0 and later, and for nightly builds of the trunk.
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