MS To Support HD-DVD Over USB for XBOX 360

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Microsoft promised that a HD DVD drive would be available for the 360 as an add-on, and that more details would emerge as we got closer to E3. In a recent announcement, Microsoft revealed that the peripheral will connect to the 360 using a USB 2.0 cable, and will use the console itself to output HD video and surround sound.

The press release for the announcement is indicative of how large companies are trying to take control over online E3 coverage, which used to be reserved mainly for crazed fans and their personal blogs.

Microsoft is being extremely cagey about revealing the price of this unit, saying that they will "save that good news for another day"—probably at E3 itself. They state many times that they feel lower prices will be a prime advantage of the HD DVD format. The press release mentions the difference between the cheapest standalone HD DVD player (US$500) and the least expensive Blu-ray one (US$1,000) and says that Microsoft is "clearly out to make this an affordable option for Xbox 360 owners." The page even mentions the existence of new hybrid DVD/HD DVD discs as a reason to support that format over Blu-ray.
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