MSN Status Checker ??

Hi Guys..

Is there any tool available which wd
.> check wether a particular person is online or not ?
.> wether the person has blocked u or not?

any online tool or a standalone s/w of that type wd be useful.
Looking for the latest one, and not the one with disclaimer that in 2004 the msn ppl patched the method and bla bla bla.
well usually all such apps are spam based applications...they acquire the id's which the users enter and then send spam msgs as well as spam mails...

if anyone out here knows and is sure that the app aint no spam, can help him out... :)
google and tho shall find

jus google "msn block checker" etc

u dont hav to download anything, there are sites where u type in the persons email id and it will tell u if they are online or then u check ur list n can thus make out if u hav been blocked.
i did stumbled upon a few status checkers, but they are not foolproof.

my req is :

A status checker which wd tell me if a person is sitting in an offline mode ...?


A status checker which wd tell me if a person has blocked me or not

A prog without the binding of Privacy Setting of "Ppl only in My allow List Can See My status" wd be very helpful.

infact looking for that one desperately.

Do supply the links pls.