MTNL Connection

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As the title suggests am thinking of gettin a MTNL connx. Am done with Pacenet for now.(ridiculously priced packages + excellent service:@ )
I mean who pays 600 bucks for 48kbps...(thts me:ashamed: )
End of Story:(

Wnna get a connx which offers unlimited packages nd only MTNL's avail. here...(nd pacenet ofcourse...gundass:@ :@ )

1. Now i wanna download to the max ..PC's gonna be ON which router othr than wht MTNL offers...heard it heats up a lot.
Is the billions still avail nywhr.. or shud i just get wht thy r offering.

2. which package wud b best acc. to ma needs.. looking at the 850 NU plan:ohyeah: ...ny othr plans which offer NU with lesser expenses ??

3. ny probs with MTNL in regard to torrent (ports)blocking or such ?? gonna download most of the stuff from torrent ;)

Goin to apply nxt week..

Help Appreciated:cool2:
1. well i'm using the one provided by the mtnl heating problem as internet remains ON 24/7...besides you can go for d-link 502t...

2. since u wanna download to the max, 849nu will be good...and 849nu is the only NU plan available in mumbai...i have been using it, no probs of any sorts...:D

3. well they dont block ports...its just that u'll manually need to port-forward...can be quite easily done with the help of guides on

enjoy downloading...:hap2:
^^ tht solves almost evry prob :D

Last question...:P

if i think of getting the modem/router seperately which 1 shud i get :D
get the d-link 502t...if u intend to go wireless...go for linksys/netgear/buffalo wireless routers...i dont remember the exact model the forum...iirc ppl have already discussed it before... :D
yep mtnl conn is gud i have been using it for now last 3 years ....24x7. 849 conn. dlink 502t heating probs nothing. fast cc service. but sometimes only speed all is fundoo. service is crappy...the aunty's at the cc's are very ignorant...if you wanna get any of your work done, a mail to the dgm of broadband does the work and how fast...:)
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