As the title suggests am thinking of gettin a MTNL connx. Am done with Pacenet for now.(ridiculously priced packages + excellent service
I mean who pays 600 bucks for 48kbps...(thts me:ashamed: )
End of Story
Wnna get a connx which offers unlimited packages nd only MTNL's avail. here...(nd pacenet ofcourse...gundass
1. Now i wanna download to the max ..PC's gonna be ON which router othr than wht MTNL offers...heard it heats up a lot.
Is the billions still avail nywhr.. or shud i just get wht thy r offering.
2. which package wud b best acc. to ma needs.. looking at the 850 NU plan
hyeah: ...ny othr plans which offer NU with lesser expenses ??
3. ny probs with MTNL in regard to torrent (ports)blocking or such ?? gonna download most of the stuff from torrent
Goin to apply nxt week..
Help Appreciated:cool2:

I mean who pays 600 bucks for 48kbps...(thts me:ashamed: )
End of Story

Wnna get a connx which offers unlimited packages nd only MTNL's avail. here...(nd pacenet ofcourse...gundass

1. Now i wanna download to the max ..PC's gonna be ON which router othr than wht MTNL offers...heard it heats up a lot.
Is the billions still avail nywhr.. or shud i just get wht thy r offering.
2. which package wud b best acc. to ma needs.. looking at the 850 NU plan

3. ny probs with MTNL in regard to torrent (ports)blocking or such ?? gonna download most of the stuff from torrent

Goin to apply nxt week..
Help Appreciated:cool2: