MTNL Wrong Billing


Me on MTNL Triand NU Plan but becoz of a small goofup actually big:ashamed: I was reaching the 1gb download limit too soon for my liking...:ashamed:

So I cut down on Images disabled images frm the browser to some how carry on till the end of the month..:)

but today I got a shock when MTNL billed almost 50mb out of nowhere that to dated 2nd & 3rd June...:O And I hadnt even used my NET till the afternoon of 3rd June and they have billed for 3rd june today in the morning that to weird timings:mad: :mad:

Check the screenies below...:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:



Damn where to complain about this fraud billing even though its just 50mb but still its fraud :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I had heard of MTNL goofups but never heard it wud have happend with me:( MTNL die die...:mad: :mad:
Are you by any chance on a NU plan? Both the entries look like cases where one forgot to reset the connection. Also, do remember that there is a difference of 15-20 mins between MTNL's server's clock and your regular IST.

I am not quite sure but they pick up the time from some government servers - which is a good 15 mins behind our regular time
Kneo said:
Are you by any chance on a NU plan? Both the entries look like cases where one forgot to reset the connection. Also, do remember that there is a difference of 15-20 mins between MTNL's server's clock and your regular IST.

I am not quite sure but they pick up the time from some government servers - which is a good 15 mins behind our regular time

No it doesn't ,the speed check page on the MTNL site shows the server time.its exactly regular time.

and yes the extra MB's are due to not resetting the modem after the NU period.
check this for complaint nos MTNL Customer Care
mpranav said:
and yes the extra MB's are due to not resetting the modem after the NU period.
I know tat there is no way I have goofed up on this..:cool2: I had personally switched off d connection at 7.55am and then started again on arnd 8.05am and that shows in the screenies also,it agian started at 8.04am:)

So its that 2 entries that are wrong:mad: :mad:
the same thing happened to me.. but u got lucky.. they charged me 800mb for a day and that is just ridiculous ... but u cant do much, they make up some excuses and u have to pay it in the end.
I've been getting bills of 2k - 3k every month for last few months because of some data downloaded during the day shown in their bills...Complaining to the mtnl customer care doesn't help.

Me on 749nu plan
Rivunited said:
the same thing happened to me.. but u got lucky.. they charged me 800mb for a day and that is just ridiculous ... but u cant do much, they make up some excuses and u have to pay it in the end.
OMG 800mb,tats a huge sum...:eek:

rPOk said:
I've been getting bills of 2k - 3k every month for last few months because of some data downloaded during the day shown in their bills...Complaining to the mtnl customer care doesn't help.
Me on 749nu plan

I have mailed them regarding this along with the screenshots also have registered a comlpaint on 1504..lets c wat happens...bloody MTNL..:mad: :mad:
Did u recently call any one from mtnl to check ur connection or something??
these guys sometimes use your username password for testing other ppls connection or for small time browsing..
These engineers jus pick up one username leave another..

Once a bsnl engineer left their exchange broadband username password at my palce..this same pattern they also follow..
for the next few months even my usage recorded times wen i didnt use it..
Hell once we had no electricity cause of transformer bursting still there were entries..

So i called up that engineer once and said that i know u guys are using my account and better stop before i do a police complaint..he said we dont use lik dis and all.. but never saw such activity in my usage again..
where to beg?????????

1500 tell u to go to exchange QCS

QCS tell u to go to Billing AOTR

AOTR sends you to Triband section

Triband sends you back to QCS :p
these entries are backdated entries, remember mtnl's usage page wasn't working in the first week of this month, not only you, many users are facing this problem
mtnl didn't show the usage for these days initially, but the usage was being recorded...and when they fixed everything up, they added the usage entries in the session details

but one can't do anything about this.....:mad: