Linux Much needed Linux dstro Installation help

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Hi Friends,
I want to install a Linux distro on my system which already has Win7 SP1(64bit). This is the first time i will be installing anything other than Windows, so please help me out. I have one hard disk of 640 GB. I've created 4 partitions - 20G,30G,250G and 340G.( i know the last two partitions seem strange,t'was a mistake while creating the partitions). However i created the 20gig partition for Linux. Can i install ubuntu or fedora on this partition? Which is the best distro? I've heard that dual booting Win 7 with ubuntu can lead to several problems, is that so?

I dont know how to proceed with the installation of a Linux distro. Is it the same as Windows-create a bootable DVD and install using that?Please clarify.

Someone...Please please provide a very brief procedure on how to proceed.

Thanks in Advance.
For Starting try by 'wubi' + Ubuntu............. as install Ubuntu as if you are installing program

Can be un installed like program

And later on as u get familiar then u can go for proper dual boot
BTW I like Mint more than ubuntu firstly for a cleaner interface :P . and primarily due to the presets and pre installed 3rd party codecs .
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