Multiplayer Games Attract Virtual Call Girls

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MMO Games Get A New Character Class - Call Girl


On the surface, social experiment Second Life is clean living: an oft-cited MMO used for college-level coursework in the design of digital spaces, in art and architecture, and in media studies and sociology. Count real-life Stanford Law School professor Lawrence Lessig among its 148,000 citizens; this January, the copyright guru addressed an in-game gathering to promote his recently published book, Free Culture, and emboss online copies with an electronic signature (to glorify the performed-for-publicity gimmick, he mentioned inviting members of Congress to create accounts).

Insofar as consuming and creating makes them so, Second Life citizens who're neither enrolled at state universities nor capable of persuading congresspersons to appear in virtual utopias are similarly upstanding. Because residents retain the rights to what they build and buy, Second Life's goods and service industries boom. According to Catherine Smith, director of marketing for SL owner Linden Lab, "In January of 2006, Second Life residents exchanged $1,384,752,765 in-world 'linden' dollars, or over $5 million U.S. dollars, based on the current exchange rate of 276:1." Gowns, cars, kittens, rocket packs, lunar rovers, condominiums, turntables, couches--players make or mod scads of shop and show-off opportunities in SL's unbounded buyosphere, from personal appearance to animations to architecture. SL citizens are designers, crafters, cinematographers, engineers, civic planners, real estate agents. And prostitutes.

Amster-Dame, one of Second Life's red-light districts, can't decide what to wear. A patchwork of imported JPG porn and candy-coated graphics, it's the id-as-image series, a woody in kaleidoscopically shifting search of wank material. On one side of the canal-cleaved street, an adults-only cinema flashes real skin flicks free of charge for the horny or hard up. On the other, Blade Runner-esque boutiques vend mixable, matchable parts--pristine, tattooed, or pierced.

Taboo Heart (who'd rather CGW not reveal her real name) is on the job, along with the many other working women milling around here, making bedroom eyes at browsing passersby. "I enjoy standing on the corner, meeting people who might walk past," she confides. "I talk to them about anything, although I won't approach someone and ask them if they want my services. Other escorts do. When someone is interested, they normally send me an IM and request a price or my note card, which has relevant information about me on it." And what these won't tell you about Heart, her affiliation--inevitable and bizarre--will: "I'm in a group called 'Gender-Verified Female,' otherwise known as 'GV Female.' In order to become a member, you must first have a voice conversation with one of the group officers."

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