For Sale !
- Product Name, Manufacturers code & URL:
- Expected Price: 1. Sapphire 4870 = Rs 5000/-
2. EVGA GTX 570= Rs 10,000/-
3. Transcend 4GB DDR3 x 2 Laptop RAM= Rs 2200/- each (RMAed. Received new sealed pack. Lifetime Warranty)
4. Transcend 2GB DDR2 X 2 Laptop RAM =Rs 1500/- each (Lifetime Warranty. No Bill)
- Source and Time of Purchase: Got Graphics card from US and RAM from India.
- Reason for Sale: Upgrading
- RMA/Servicing history: Never serviced/RMA'd.
- Product Condition: Mint condition.
- Purchase Invoice Available: No
- Company official Indian warranty valid/Remaining Warranty period: No
- Accessories Included: Only Graphics card.
- Product Location: Pune.
- Preferred Courier: No specific courier/ NeverReach™ Couriers
- Shipping Charges: As per actuals
- Payment Options: Cash, Bank transfer.