PC Peripherals Mumbai- Computer & IT Products Shopping Festival

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10-13 December - MMRDA Exhibition Ground- Bandar Kurla Compex- Mumbai

This weekend will be the most awaited for the computer aficionados, bargain hunters, and those fence sitter’s to take the plunge and pick up the latest products planned for 2010 at the best prices. more
had gone to one such exhibition long time back. it was nothing more than a big joke. hardly anything that can be termed latest was present there. more like a dead show with people just displaying products already launched in the market. It was a whole two three hours wasted for me.
^^ 6pack, really :( I was not aware about, I think new products pre-launched at such expos :ashamed:
Emperor said:
10-13 December - MMRDA Exhibition Ground- Bandar Kurla Compex- Mumbai​

This weekend will be the most awaited for the computer aficionados, bargain hunters, and those fence sitter’s to take the plunge and pick up the latest products planned for 2010 at the best prices. more

Nice Venue :ohyeah:

As they say, if you offer peanuts you get only monkeys :rofl:
If swaranjali is exhibiting, then expect mega discounts on electronics
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