Windows Music manager for Windows 10

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Hi, is there any simple and lightweight music manager for Windows 10? Currently, I use Groove Music for my mp3 collection. It would be nice if the software has the ability to find the album and music info. Thanks.
Is Winamp still a thing? I haven't used it in a while.

Read a few articles. Most of them are very vocal Media Monkey or MusicBee, or Foobar. I think both MediaMonkey and MusicBee looks nice. Do you think Winamp is better? I am happy with Groove Music to be honest. But would be nice to have some music info added, which is not available in Groove Music. Thanks.
Music Bee is good but also a pain to manage at times. It has better sound output than Winamp. Winamp has always been my old fav but it obviously hasn't kept up + ppl are on music streaming nowadays.
Have been using it with 16 gigs of ram for over 6 months ...would consider it kind of ok ...still fingers crossed , cause my collection is over 52000 and countng ....
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Sure, but what has 16 GB ram got to do with it?
my windows indexing stays on , so going through the massive music collection coupled with Bitdefender ...the library function works without a glitch , i am not an expert however i believe that having an extra amount of ram surely helps in running the system smoothly .
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