Music Playback quality, N70 vs W800i which is good ?


I did a search. Still I am in dilemma. No body have mentioned the quality of the n70's music playback.

I am very much interested in a mobile with Music Player featuring good BASS & Treble Elements. <- First Priority

Good Camera & Removable Device like a USB thumb drive <- Second Priority

Should I go for W800i or should I go for n70 or shall I wait for n80 ?

If the BASS in n70 is low, is there any possibility of increasing the bass using 3rd party MP3 player with equalizer ??

Any body have any idea weather n80 comes with an equalizer ?

Please suggest me.
okay, i have done THE biggest research, believe me i'm shocked somebody else is also wondering the same thing!

So here goes -

the W800i has a slight edge over N70. The quality of W800 is genuine like an mp3 player. It'll blow away the hifi's, it comes with a 3.5mm jack adapter etc.

However the quality on the N70 has been sort of customed by Nokia to only produce the best quality of music in headphones specially Nokia's.

But the good part is - ITS HARDLY NOTICEABLE!

Here is a sound test conducted by some magazing -






And i quote -

The frequency response is measured with a special signal seeping from low 20Hz to high 20kHz, and ideally the output should be flat horizontal curve (line). As the signal level is constant, so the output should be constant = flat too, right. You see the idea now?

The magazine article explained they made a special 128kbit mp3 audiotestsignal track for this test. Usually they don't go this deep while testing mobile phones but this was a group test of media mobiles.

Take a look of the graph of Rokr E1. You see that the curve with 16ohm impedance rolls down = weaker bass. On the other hand, with high impedance earphones the bass response gets boost, something like using buil-in equalizer, more bass MegaBass, whatever...

The case N70 is honestly surprising if I may say so. These modern mobiles with mp3 feature are mainly meant to be used with earphones/handsfrees, and the producers certainly would love their customer buing their accessories (or accept the in-box alternative, original standard).

The good point in this test is the dual test with impedance of 17 Ohm and 120 Ohm, as the earphones with higher quality tend to have higher impedance than those included earpluggs. Someone owning D600 and complaining the thin bass waek sound should definitely seek for earphones with higher impedance - by looking on the technical specifications of the various alternatives.

I wonder if this test was the very first to care about this kind of measurement instead of subjective opinion based on listening. Anyone anywhere seen similar measurements?

As a whole, as a mobile phone, W800 scored as winner in this test 9,0 points, N70 as the second, 8,9 points and D600 8,6 points ... Rokr E1 being the last, the sixth with 8,1 points.

Okay, so what that in shot means is - You won't be able to hear the like 101th background instrument when you play the N70 through the Hi-Fi's. In other words, the magazine puts N70 RIGHT behind W800 ONLY because of its quality through Hi-Fi's. And believe me that very accurate, but it also means HARDLY NOTICEABLE!

here's from an N70 owner -

I am using the PowerMP3 Player for S60 which I has an editable equalizer where I also can adjust gain in volume in addition to editing the equalizer itself. I am using the KOSS PortaPRO headset. This combination gives me just AWESOME audio quality!!!!

My sister is using an SE W800i, and both she and I agree that my Nokia N70 has better audio quality than it, even with the embedded music-player and embedded headset!! I have also compared the N70 to a Creatice Muvo MP3 player and a Sony NW-E505 MP3 player. The N70 has a little louder sound than the Creative, and comparable sound level as the Sony MP3 player.

Also remember, the Nokia N70 is not just a mobile phone, but a smartphone. There will always be thousands of 3'rd party software solutions e.g music players for it, unlike the SW W800i / SE W900i where you will have to cope with the one embedded in the phone!

Just be aware, to able to use standard 3.5mm headsets you need to buy an adapter (AD-15) or solder a solution yourself

Sorry i can't post a link to the forums....but that's it. Its in front of you. Through extra symbian apps, you can have access to the equalizers. All the W800i has in its music is the damn Walkman label. Remove the label, turn it black, its k750i. Or turn it grey, give it symbian, then its N70. There's really no difference. Both of them pretty much surpass/equal the Ipods.
Hey Params thankssssssssssssssss for replying.

Ok, now tell me what Phone u own ??

Now this has put me into a state were I am going to prefer more on n70 than w800i.

I will do a little research by going to the mobile shop and see and then reply my preference.

u got confused...lolz...

W800i's sound is way better than any Nokia phone....even the sound of W550i rox...

btw params nice research re...reps added...:)
Thanks Ice, glad to help Kannan.

You see, the new range of Nokia's phones like N80 and N91 are being developed by Nokia's Music Express Line. I'm 100% sure N80 will level N91 when it comes to sound quality.

If you STRICTLY want music, total music buff - Then its any phone from the W series, or K750i.

If you want Music combined with the power of Symbian - Then wait for N91 or get N70 now. They're both good. simple. the diff between the quality of w800 and n70 is very hard to nitce unless you're a music freak. Given that N70 performs better than some of the Sony's standalone mp3 players, the W series is also killing the Ipods.

Symbian may have a slight edge maybe because of several apps they can run almost any kind of music, from Wma, to ogg. While the W series will only play mp3, aac, aac+ and wav. Though W950i is packing Symbian, so that might be the Ultimate Walkman phone ever to hit the market, but that's a long way down the year now ;)
^Or you can go for the Ad-15 accessory, which converts nokia's pop-port to allow any 3.5mm Headphones.

W800i/W900i come with it already though.
Please w800i and k750i (both with included earphones) play better music then n70 based on what i experienced and i am no audio phile .
Of course they take better pics too.
But the symbian factor is hard to ignore. That alone makes n70 better phone for advanced user.
But for those lookin for music now at 17k get w800.
i do not think n70 plays better music then stand alone sony mp3 players . It is not even a fair comparison.
W800i has a tib bit better sound quality.
Camera W800i has a better one, but video camera is where it will get owned at. N70 produces high resolution ones at vhs quality, w800i produces low reso one's only good for mms and viewing on mobile screen.

Also symbian adds tons of other features. you got like 100 music managers, equalizers, and can play almost every music format out there. its 3g, has EDGE.

W800i misses on all that, but its flashy with that walkman label and its functions like a 30hr backup on walkman mode etc. If music is the first priority then of course its one of SE's phones. But if one's looking for good music combined with other features then i'll have to go with n70.
Here's from

Nokia N70 is delivered with white plug-in earphones. To be honest, this is not my favourite type of earphones, mainly because of their inflexible cable, which seems as if it is going to keep the curves it got when bent in the factory forever, but also because of cable's denticulation - if a man is not shaved, it scratches their beard so loudly that they can hear the result in their ears.

The quality of the earphones is good and meets all expectations. Even though the common "plugs" do not transfer the bass elements properly and they accentuate all other frequencies, I am able to stand them in my ears. For a better sound you will need to buy an adapter, which conducts a slot for the jack (where standard earphones can then be plugged) from the Pop-port.