Android Must have APPS for Android

I use root call blocker. It allows blocking numbers matching a pattern. I have blocked Noida std code :D
As the name suggests it requires ROOT.

Hi. Can you explain how to block SMSs from +44 numbers and calls from +91129 numbers using root call blocker.
Yes, Weather Underground is the most accurate I have found, especially for towns / small towns. Accuweather is the most non-accurate! I used BeWeather for a long time, it uses WU server too.
Anyone know any paid/free sports live streaming app?

I have installed Justintv app, but not that great
bbcplayer not supported in India
Eurosportplayer required registration
Besides Firefox, banking apps, etc. I use:

Fuelio - to keep fuel log for vehicles
All tools - just a bunch of basic tools in one app

Real fun isn't until Magisk, f-droid & the likes though xD
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Available on Play Store:

HiByMusic (esp. if you have a nice Type-C DAC)
Stuff (yes, that's the name. The app is a to-do list widget and tiny, under 1MB)

Need F-Droid or alternative store:

Termux (Use it for ytp-dl)

Need to download from XDA
MiX - Best file manager I've ever used.
Material Files comes close, but MiX is still better for a power user.
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Moon+ Reader Pro
Pi Music Player (Minimal Music player with basic func, dont like some of the bloat they have added over the years but its still really good)
Solid File Explorer (nothing compared to the OG ES Explorer but still good. really love its FTP addon, I have my hetzner, seedbox, gdrive etc all connected to it)
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I wanted a launcher that is only search and no icons and opens the keyboard to search by default. Finally found kiss launcher.

This is also tiny (250kb), is open source (is on F-droid), and is super fast. It's great for power users as well as people who want to minimise phone usage.
Everytime you open the phone it asks you what you want to do instead of presenting you with 20 icons, which means you have to type in the app name, which makes it less likely that you'd absent mindedly open apps.

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