Must-have games for the PS3.

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Planning to get a PS3 today.. would like to know some good co-op/multiplayer games out for it. I've heard R:FOM is good, although I'm more of a fan of driving/flying sims..

2-3 games I should be looking at?
Warhawk - Online only. Arcade Style. But you can get 3 more players for a 4 player splitscreen online. Expansion pack coming in December. When it comes to co-op in FPS's, Resistance is best (but second to Warhawk overall), but I think Haze and COD4 will be much better for Co-op offline and online. And if EA doesn't screw up porting Orange Box on the PS3, than that should be the choice.

Racing : Motorstorm, DiRT and Sega Rally Revo. Demo's for all are available so you can try them first before making up mind for one of them. Burnout ain't out yet or get one of the ps2 versions.

Flight : Warhawk (with foot, rifles, tanks, turrets, grenades and more) or Ace Combat 6 (for just flight :P).

Racing Sims : GT HD, GT 5 Prologue Demo will be releasing on the PSN store soon (both of them free, but you'll need to make an extra profile and a PSN account with USA as the country so you can gain access to their store for all free downloads).

WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2008 : 6 player offline and online.
^Thanks for the recommendations.
The reason I asked for MP games is that I intend to continue 1P gaming on my PC for as long as I can. Bioshock and the Orange Box are awesome for 1P.

Any others? How are the FIFA and Virtua Tennis series on the PS3?
I am not a Driving/Sim fan, but heres the list of games that I bought or have immediate plans on buying out of the ones available in India.

Resistance - Fall of Man (Bought)

Genji: Days of the blade (Bought)

Heavenly Sword

Ninja Gaiden Sigma

Virtua Fighter 5

Also if are used to playing FPS games on a PC with a Keyboard/Mouse combo, then skip RFOM for the present. Though I was perfectly at home with the controller in other games, I just could not accustom to playing the FPS with a controller. Allowing Keyboard, Mouse usage for gaming too in PS3 would be a nice addition.

I would go for Warhawk too, but with the kind of pings I get, I guess it would be not of much use if its just a Multiplayer game.

btw, are you going for a NTSC/J console or the Indian PAL one?
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