PC Peripherals Mwaah DELL!! I am the luckiest guy alive!!

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Stig's Indian Cousin!!!
my dell 1908 lcd 19 inch lcd(bought in may this year for 7100rs from Mahavir Electronics,Lamington Road) had about 6 dead pixels.
I called up Dell @ 3pm yesterday and they said i would get a replacement lcd within 24 hours and true to their word @3pm today a guy from blue dart came with the monitor!was expecting a 19 incher but i got a P2210 22
incher!!!!!!! at no extra cost!!!!
here are the pics!!!

the outgoing 1908 and the incoming p2210

packing the 1908 wfp

finished packing the 1908wfp

hey sexy!!!

got her up and running

now i am a dell fan for life!!
btw i got to keep everything from the previous monitor -- apart from the monitor.all i need is a dvi cable and a power cable to run the p2210 and using them from the old dell 1908.
selling of the brand new packaged hdcp/hdmi/dvd/d-sub usb cables from the p2210!!!
expect it @ the marketplace soon!!!
hehe !!!

i know !!

btw u cant see them pics?

the system with the lcd up and running is the p2210
the wallpaper is from nvidia's website.

btw is the dell p2210 a good monitor? and how much does it cost now??

not complaining coz i got it at no extra cost!!!
sunny27 said:
the wallpaper is from nvidia's website.

btw is the dell p2210 a good monitor? and how much does it cost now??
not complaining coz i got it at no extra cost!!!

you really shouldnt be asking that question :bleh: after getting a freeee upgrade :)
lol my luck with replacements this year has been good so far!

first my se-k-790i(bought 2nd oct 2008)was a defective piece and after it kept going to the service center every week for the first 7 months and gt replaced with a total new piece 2 times and after 4 motherboard changes they gave me a SE-C 510.

also gt my flash voyager replaced on the desk in 3 minutes flat at kaizen infoserve earlier this year

and now the dell.........pretty good year so far!
ok here's some terrible news !!

after a short 25 day stay the dell p2210 decided to die yesterday!!

wouldn't get powered on --so i called up dell and they would be sending me a brand new monitor again---hope its a 23--24 incher this time!!
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