My C: drive is too small for Vista...

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My system config: Vista 64 bit, quad core 2.33, 6 Gb ram, 320 Hdd.

My C drive has only 29 GB space.... Vista takes up almost 20GB and after I install some more programs the C drive becomes almost full.... When I tried to install Adobe CS3 suite on d drive, It didn't get installed.... May be it has to be installed only on C:x 86 prog. files ( I guess )... cos it worked fine when the system was 32 bit....
So what can I do to accommodate more programs on C: ( like more x86 games, 3ds max, lots, but no space ). I would like to increase the size of C ( partition) , can I do it without any data loss on other partitions?

Plz help....!
Thank u...!!! :):):)
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