My C2d based rig

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Hey guys

Just got my new C2D based rig today

Specs in Signature

Pics coming tomorrow

Silly me i 4got to buy WinXP:S

Now will have to wait till tom:(

The gfx card is coming from US in Dec

Special thanks to Udit

He's one good advisor:)
congrats, have fun...;)

even my temp c2d rig too should be up by wednesday. :)

btw, which coolermaster 600W PSU is that. I think coolermaster cabbies themselves are costly. what are the PSU specs?
Nah no ovc

not good mobo anyway

@lordnemesis--Its Coolermaster Extreme 600W

I dont know the specs

Some box pics

ATP3 for my brother whos going to take them to IIT

AmbarD said:
@lordnemesis--Its Coolermaster Extreme 600W

Thats a decent PSU by the specs, rated at 432W on Dual 12V Rails. comes to 36A on the 12V rails. :) pretty close to the NeoHE 500 ratings. But again NeoHE is rated at a higher temp, modular and a lot pricier too. Judging by the typical pricing of coolermaster cabbies and PSU's you have got a good deal if you got both cabby and PSU for 6k. :)

btw how much did you finally pay for the Transcend 533MHz sticks?

My Temp C2D rig is also comming thorugh nicely. I Have the E6300 and MSI P965 Neo in my hands now. Sapphire 1900XT 512MB will be in my hands tomorrow. :hap2: Only RAM remains. DDR2 667 not available anywhere in stock. :(
Dude...can you post the RU/UL certification number on the PSU label, it will be under a reflected-RU logo, something like "e123456".

Im trying to choose betw the Chieftec 450W and this 600W Coolermaster, will be a great help! Thanks!!
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