My DIY SPDIF Coax Bracket - A Pictorial Guide

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This DIY was bugging me for quite some time, even though my motherboard has an optical SPDIF output I still wanted to build a coax SPDIF output bracket just for the heck of it and keep it for later use. This bracket is also not easily available at the local market and ordering it online from any international website will set you back by couple of hundred bucks, which is fair if you want to avoid the DIY way. But since there is a fun element of doing something yourself, I decided to give it a shot. All the items used were junk computer stuff no longer used except the female RCA connector.

The pin connections are very simple and almost every motherboard follows the same pin pattern. For a coax connector, you just need the SPDIF_OUT and Ground pins. The +5V is only used for an optical connection.


The female RCA connector cost Rs.40, seems to be of good quality.


An old bracket with s-video output which is perfect for my job.

Removed the useless connectors and installed the RCA connector, perfect fit!


Now time for some soldering. The SPDIF_OUT pin goes to the tip connection of the RCA, the Ground goes to the ring. I think I did a pretty good job with the soldering considering that I am an amateur at this. Also used some heat shrink sleeves to give it a professional look and prevent exposed wiring.




The job done with a final piece of heat shrink tube.


Total cost of bracket = Rs.40 :)

I still haven’t tested it out :P, I’ll do that when I open my cabinet next time and will post the results.
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Nicely done. Pairing this with your Z680 I presume? :P

I want to make one but just don't get the time and patience. :@

PS: Please PM a mod to move this to the Guides section.
Desecrator said:
Nicely done. Pairing this with your Z680 I presume? :P

I want to make one but just don't get the time and patience. :@

I am already using my onboard optical output with my Z680's, this one is for my proposed secondary rig :P

I was also too lazy to try this for the last 3 years, finally mustered up courage last night, gathered all my tools and finished the project in 30 mins. :)
Dude, can you make another dozen and sell for .. say 200 bucks each.
I'm sure that a dozen or so members desperately need this are are too lazy to try this on their own !
imgx server is down since long! :)

I think varkey used to manage those. Please fix it ASAP! :P
^ its a 2 year old thread. images would have been deleted by the image host by now even in their backups.
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