My dog Jimmy R.I.P (2001-2011)



You have always been there for us. You always walked by my side no matter what. you never allowed any strangers in our house compound. you never ate for 2 days after granny passed away. you enjoyed chasing cats and rats. the neighbors always complained you being insane sometimes. you always waited by the house gate till my bro returned late from work. you enjoyed barking on and scaring away my friends. you never would hurt me and always protect me. No one can replace you brave-heart. you were the best i ever had. And now with tears rolling down my face i painfully regret not being there besides you in your last minute. I love you forever, please forgive me if i have been ever cruel to you. You had these same little cute eyes when i first saw you abandoned on the cold lonely street which made me take you into my arms. I never imagined you would close your eyes forever, leaving me here alone. I will never see a four legged friend wagging his tail and crying in excitement to my will turn into dust very soon and leave us with 10 years of great memories.

R.I.P Jimmy. (2001-2011)
It is really sad to lose someone like that... :(

I know how it feels... I have had boobas at home since I was a baby...

Sorry for your loss. R.I.P. Jimmy
^ What's wrong if someone wants to share his happiness or sadness along with fellow forum members .:S .

Sorry to hear about your loss Nish .Try to cheer your self up bro. Maybe join us sometime for a TE meet like you did long ago .

R.I.P Jimmy :(.
I am not dog hater or anything like that. I am also fond of dogs and did read the whole write up.

But certain topics dont cut the ice when it comes to sharing.

Some people will be fine with such threads, some wont be. I belong to the latter and wrote my opinion.
thankyou faheem and all the guys expressing their love and affection towards jimmy boy. will catch you guys soon in the next TE meet.
Damn that's sad news! Feeling really bad... the dog died so young! (my uncle's dog Alsatian lived for 15 years)

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FaH33m said:
^ What's wrong if someone wants to share his happiness or sadness along with fellow forum members .:S .

I think he said that as this is kinda a bad/sad news.
I feel your pain Nish. I've lost a few dogs over the years.

Hope you feel better soon. Cheer up.

Spacescreamer said:
I am not dog hater or anything like that. I am also fond of dogs and did read the whole write up.
But certain topics dont cut the ice when it comes to sharing.

Some people will be fine with such threads, some wont be. I belong to the latter and wrote my opinion.
I'm not one for sharing personal stuff either, but that doesn't mean it's wrong to do it. Why comment if you don't like it? Report it if you must.

Everyone has an opinion. They're are a dime a dozen. Really not cool Spacescreamer.
I can understand. My dog Tommy, died last year. He lived for 13 years. He was amazing.
Best thing is they love you un-conditionally and never expect much.
And when you come back home from work or college. They are so happy, as though you had gone for ages and have come back now.
They have a happy knack of cheering you up, even when you are in the crappiest of mood.
Without saying a word, they say everything. :)
It breaks you when they go away forever.
I vowed, never ever to keep a Pet.