My dog Jimmy R.I.P (2001-2011)

i hope jimmy is having fun at the rainbow bridge.

whatever you said pradeep is very true. my dog was run over by car, he cud have lived more :(.
Satan said:
I'm not one for sharing personal stuff either, but that doesn't mean it's wrong to do it. Why comment if you don't like it ? Report it if you must. Everyone has an opinion. They're are a dime a dozen. Really not cool Spacescreamer.
My post wasnt meant for those who found it offensive.

It was posted after due deliberation n i believe it has served its purpose.
My condolences and I share your grief. I remember how it felt when my "childhood" buddy, a Pomeranian we named "Bobby" for his bobbing fluffy round tail, passed of old age in 2006 at age 16 or so.

Edit: I don't have a pic of him but you know "Toy Poms" looks like these:

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Spacescreamer said:
My post wasnt meant for those who found it offensive.

It was posted after due deliberation n i believe it has served its purpose.
I would tend to agree with Kevin Spacey-screamer here :) I too prefer not to read non-technical material on a tech blog or forum, like when the open source bloggers post their political/religious rants and what not. But in this case I can make an exception coz I've been there - plus, this is after all the general talk section.
RIP Jimmy.

Nish, I am sorry for your loss. My dog has been gone for about 4 years now and I still feel that he is somewhere around, under the dining table or around the table corner. Your pal may have gone physically but he is really never gone.

Take care.

ahh.. in this materialistic world when people don't have time for human beings pain/sorrow you still remember about your dog Jimmy & his love towards you & your family members. I think Jimmy had gold heart so he found family like yours & you people are too good so got Jimmy's love ... RIP Jimmy

PS: If possible adopt another pet, Name him Jimmy...& life will goes on again in few days with Jimmy & his love....
Thank you for your sympathy during my time of loss.

Your kind words are of great comfort to me as i grieve my pet's death. TE sure has lot of soft hearts for animals.

@vishalrao: your dog looks very cute and fluffy as you described. you lost him during your

childhood..that must be really heart breaking for you.Sorry to hear about it.

@linuxtechie: I too feel sorry about your dog. I still feel he is somewhere around in the house compound

or just sleeping by the doormat. My mom borkedown today after lunch looking at Jimmy's food


@emperor: I am just going to do that. I am going to adopt another stray dog and take good care of it

. I have a special heart for the stray dogs.

@nukeu666: thanks again for sharing.
nish_pinto said:
@vishalrao: your dog looks very cute and fluffy as you described. you lost him during your

childhood..that must be really heart breaking for you.Sorry to hear about it.

Those pics are actually random pics off the Net to show what he looked like. He was actually my childhood buddy, passed away 5 yrs ago in 2006. First got him when I was about 14 or so and he was a little pup. In some time the grief reduces to only fond memories of your buddy :)
Don't try to recollect it
becoz my dog jimmy died two month before..
same as your dog's age
tears are still in my eyes while i'm typing