My EA Experience 2011

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Core i7 @ 3.675 Ghz
2x2 GSkill Ripjaws DDR3 1600 CAS 7
2GB 6970

Here is how my new card plays two of EA's latest flicks (not really tested on any other games as I don't really play other games at the moment).
Need For Speed Shift Unleashed
1920x1080 MAX 16x AF no AA
The minimum FPS I get is usually upwards of 80 and avg is like 95-105 or so. Perfect game play, no scope for improvement.
Tried a few maps already. Even with cars all around I guess I average 60-75 or so :P

1920x1080 MAX 16x AF 4x AA
I usually get a minimum of 50-65 FPS with cars on screen and average is like 80+-10-15 or so. Again, pretty much perfect game play with no reason to complain about. I would say the game is pretty decently optimized but perhaps not perfectly for ATI 5xxx series or older cards.
Crysis 2
1920x1080 Extreme using the Extra Settings Panel, AF = 16x, All sorts of AA = 0
There are parts of the game where I average close/in excess of 60 FPS with max FPS being like 70+. However, there are parts where I don't even average 50 FPS. Overall, I would say I hopefully/probably average 50-55 or so with 45+- being the bare minimum anywhere and in some maps the minimum is upwards of 55 FPS too for most part of it.
The game is not perfect on these settings, however it is playable. Some parts are of course smoother than others and nearly perfect, others are acceptable. Usually there isn't too much FPS drop during fights either except in some areas where the minimum is anyway not too good and fights bring down the minimum FPS to 40-45 FPS. But this is one game where there isn't too much of a difference between min, avg and max FPS for a given map!
1920x1080 MAX no AA = Unplayable, avg is like 40 FPS, most people will find it acceptable but I don't
1680x1050 MAX no AA - Acceptable but not perfect. Significant scope for improvement. Avg FPS is like 45-50+ FPS and the performance is okayish smooth however I don't really like to play at this rez because it ain't perfect!
1440x900 MAX no AA - Perfect performance, avg is like 55-60+ FPS and there is no lagging no jerking, absolutely smooth performance. It is literally perfect!!
By the way, I went from a 5850 to this 6970 and although the performance difference isn't as much as in going from a 4850 to 5850, it is very significant nevertheless and if you do have the cash, then it ain't a bad investment. However, considering the fact that AMD 7xxx is releasing in Q3 2011, it may not be a wise decision to buy a 6xxx card anymore. But for those who have already taken the plunge, I see no reason to regret :D

Warm Regards

rite said:
By the way, I went from a 5850 to this 6970


Need For Speed Shift Unleashed

1920x1080 MAX 16x AF no AA

The minimum FPS I get is usually upwards of 80 and avg is like 95-105 or so. Perfect game play, no scope for improvement.

Tried a few maps already. Even with cars all around I guess I average 60-75 or so

1920x1080 MAX 16x AF 4x AA

I usually get a minimum of 50-65 FPS with cars on screen and average is like 80+-10-15 or so. Again, pretty much perfect game play with no reason to complain about. I would say the game is pretty decently optimized but perhaps not perfectly for ATI 5xxx series or older cards.

NFS shift 2 working fine?

Reports all over the net, PC version broken and unplayable..
Must be something specific to your system.

I am on an E8400 + 6950 2GB. Am running Crysis at 2560x1600, Very High. Constant 30fps+.
(Edit: Oh yeah, I dropped shadows to High)
30 FPS in unplayable IMO. For Crysis I need 50+ and when I say MAX then other than AA everything is MAX, nor High/Medium for anything!
rite said:
30 FPS in unplayable IMO. For Crysis I need 50+ and when I say MAX then other than AA everything is MAX, nor High/Medium for anything!
If you read my post again(and read it completely, not just get stuck on the 5characters that stood out for you), you'll notice that I said I was playing at 2560x1600 and only had to drop shadows to High. Very High = "MAX" in Crysis. On a 6950. E8400.

So considering I "MAXED" everything as 2560x1600 on a slower card and a much slower processor, you should be able to "MAX" everything and run the game at double the FPS at ~half the pixels.
You got to be kidding us all when you start replaying to "His" posts :lol:

No offence meant :P

The post by RD274 sums the reactions brilliantly :rofl:

whatsinaname said:
If you read my post again(and read it completely, not just get stuck on the 5characters that stood out for you), you'll notice that I said I was playing at 2560x1600 and only had to drop shadows to High. Very High = "MAX" in Crysis. On a 6950. E8400.

So considering I "MAXED" everything as 2560x1600 on a slower card and a much slower processor, you should be able to "MAX" everything and run the game at double the FPS at ~half the pixels.
No benchmark on the internet gives 60 FPS on a 6970 at 19x10 MAX no AA regardless of the CPU. The max any benchmark shows at these settings is around ~40 FPS or so. And I need at least 10-15 more for a smooth play. Check any benchmark online!
The thread title is very misleading."EA experience 2011" sounds more like a competition or something like that sponsored by EA.Who would ever guess that its about some dude benchmarking two EA games on his rig.And the funniest part is he didn't even do the benchmarks right.
rite said:
1920x1080 MAX no AA = Unplayable, avg is like 40 FPS, most people will find it acceptable but I don't
1680x1050 MAX no AA - Acceptable but not perfect. Significant scope for improvement. Avg FPS is like 45-50+ FPS and the performance is okayish smooth however I don't really like to play at this rez because it ain't perfect!
1440x900 MAX no AA - Perfect performance, avg is like 55-60+ FPS and there is no lagging no jerking, absolutely smooth performance. It is literally perfect!!

On my 4870, I get around 30 FPS average with 40-45 FPS max and the game feels super smooth. Settings: high with shadows dropped to high @1080p. With crysis, its a well known fact that due to the blurring technology used in it, the game felt smooth at 26FPS and above. I would say, if you are getting 30, you are good. And, on your rig, dude, what you are getting is more than enough to be considered as playable..
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