My Kindle just got better

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Staff member
  • Longer battery life for Kindle (Global Wireless): You can now read for up to 1 week on a single charge with wireless on. Turn wireless off and read for up to 2 weeks.
  • Built-in PDF reader: Your Kindle can now display PDF documents without losing the formatting of the original file. Send PDF documents directly to your Kindle (via your @Kindle address) or drag and drop PDF files from your computer to your Kindle (when connected via USB). Learn more.
  • Manual screen rotation: The Kindle screen can now manually rotate between portrait and landscape views so you can see the entire width of a web page or magnify the page of a PDF file. The page-turn buttons work the same in either orientation, and the 5-way controller movements are switched to match the orientation.Learn more.
  • Option to convert PDF files to Kindle format. If you prefer to have your personal PDF documents converted to the Kindle format (so that they can reflow), type "Convert" in the subject of the e-mail when you submit your personal document to your address.

Source: Help :Kindle Software Updates

Muhahahaha.. Well I gotta admit, lack of PDF reader was a problem for me but I still chose Kindle over others. Glad that its sorted out. :tongue:
nice, but these are still too pricey. cant wait for the colour ebook readers to come out though. i know they will be pricey, but nothing beats colour.

just wait for 2010 to come around buddy. you'll see a plethora of awesome ebook readers hitting the market. we'll have a wide variety to choose from.
poor pockets can consider this....
AluraTek Libra

or Sony's PRS-300SC at 200$...

We are yet to see an appreciable price drop in ebook sector as e-ink tech is kinda monopolised.but competition helps :)
Chinese ebook readers FTW. I bet they will also be able to play videos, music, will have radio, photo viewer and whatnot and will be priced at half :P
phoenix844884 said:

just wait for 2010 to come around buddy. you'll see a plethora of awesome ebook readers hitting the market. we'll have a wide variety to choose from.


A post by you about ebook readers, without a question about what you'd do with your bazillion real books! I'm shocked :O
stalker said:
A post by you about ebook readers, without a question about what you'd do with your bazillion real books! I'm shocked :O

:) I am surprised you remembered! :)

Well all my collection is here in New Delhi, but I will soon be moving to the US, probably to settle there for life. Its either transport all my collection there, or make a log of the collection and then build a digital collection later. The books will either be sold or donated to a library. I am open to suggestions btw. :)
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