FaH33m said:I too get these calls every now and then. but when I am like ultra bored , I have fun talking to some guy trying to convince me for some mutual investment or take a loan .. At times I say I need 10-12 crores and next moment the person hangs up :rofl: :rofl:.
The other day I made a cute sounding chick explain me about mutual funds investments for 10-12 mins.
Best part is when all the friends are together and one of us gets this marketing calls. .It's total chaos and laughter riot .:rofl:
On a serious note, the Do not disturb service of Vodafone does work ,I got it activated on my parents cells and in the last 1-2 months , there has been a single marketing call.The service took ~ 20-30 days to get activate.
One two stuff
1:: First as soon as u get call u say its a business number not residential atleast for landline....There is strit code for business premises i guess...As whenever i say that the person at other end hangs up
2:: If for loan u get any calls say straight u bank wont provide me as i m shifted at Dharavi area......The area is blacklisted as it has highest default rate and the document for securing loan is easily forged
3:: For insurance and investment stuff tell that u are an ambani and u dont talk to chillars tell him for his senior to come up with some 50-100 crore buks plan with detail presentation lcd plan at some BKC office....else u wasting your time chap
4:: Credit cards Tell them straight u on rented property and with the same bank u had 2-3 out of court settlement case will they still be ready to give u the top most card(platinum whtever)..with highest day limit
Now please give some more call details so i can give good reasons for u chaps
And most important thing is dont avoid but try to enjoy calls u will really love to make fool of a person who is kicking your brain(just like the ones of movie Traffic signal......give them rohafza and have fun) :bleh: