PC Peripherals My New Rig- Comments Please

This is my first post on this board.I have been a silent spectator on TE.For the last one month I have read all the latest TE threads. I haven't posted my questions but I have followed many newbie threads.
I feel that I should post my thoughts and experience in TE forum
After long wait and analysis I have bought my Rig last weekend:hap2:.I will upload the pics a bit later.
My primary use is for running a Sharepoint server on the machine and web-development including some basic web design work. Some photoshop is not ruled out.
Occasional gaming and lot of web browsing.
Gigabyte- EP45- UD3L M/B- 6600
Intel core 2 Quad 2.83 GHz Pro(12 MB cache) -11600
Transcend 2X2GB Ram- 2800
Seagate 500GB HDD - 2575
Cooler master 690- 4500
Corsair 450 W - 4100
samsung P2250 - 10500
LG DVD RW - 1025
Total Damage : 43.7 K

All inclusive of 4%VAT

I had a INNO3D 9600 GT 768 MB DDR3 - Graphics card with me to go on the above cofig.
My previos setup: I have a (Core2 Duo)ACCER laptop and 5 years old AMD rig .

P2250: I had a lot of trouble in deciding the monitor with all the viewing angles and resolutions questions looming all around .There were only a couple of reviews on this new monitor and I liked the look of the screen when I looked at it in the shop.
After getting it I find that my choice is not wrong and it is indeed good.
The only negative point I found is that the monitor does not come with a DVI cable. It comes with a D-Sub. Unfortunately the GPU I have does not have D-SUB. So I had to do one more trip to CTC to buy a DVI cable to connect.

Mobo and Proccy: The choice was between amd 945 phenom and a good Intel Quad. I wanted a future proof machine with atleast couple of years window.Phenom 4X was very good alternative but unfortunately I havent got a good price on the market street.
So I had to stick with more pricey and more standard Intel route. My Initial feel is that the combination is simply superb.It offers a a very good response time.
Interesting thing I observed is that the mobo has got a great onboard Sound capability. I haven't tested it full yet but it is definitely sounding betterthan my previous PCi Sound card.

CM 690: this is the most expensive decision I have made by impulse. I was looking for a basic coolermaster for around 2.5 K. Kadir(the Man from Arun Computers) was not ready for it.I has really persuaded me to get this. But in the end I think I have gone for a good one.
The temps are not going above 44C (is it too much ?). On second thoughts I feel what I did is ok as my graphics card(which I forgot take to the shop for assembling) is too long and is definitely difficult to fit in a smaller cabby.
As some one rightly said on TE, more time we spend on TE, more we spend money on components.

Pardon me for any possible mistakes I have done in the above lines . Also for not uploading any pics.

Please comment on my RIG
is my corsair 450 sufficient for the given GPU in the long run ?
Comments on Pricing please. Did I pay more ?
Corsair VX450 is sufficient for ur rig and 9600GT

Btw,you could have opted for a Corsair RAM,just .2k more (Rs 200)
vx450 can support much more powerful card than 9600Gt, don't worry.
Also for temps, add a couple of good 120mm fans, esp near gfx card.
The stock CoolerMaster 120 mm fans are a joke.
check with KMD for better fans.
For your requirements, everything is just perfect.

No need to put in more fans for now as you dont have many hot components.

All i have to say is that youve made a pretty NICE rig!! :hap2: nice VFM too :)
That GPU would be a 9600GSO and not GT.
The best OCer in the Geforce 9 series range. You can OC it to easily match/beat a 9800GT. Do look it up =)

Decent rig :) though you should've looked at AMD options, oh well, enjoy :)
balakrishna_p1 said:
Transcend 2X2GB Ram- 2800(a bit expensive- but ram prices have gone up)
Cooler master 690- 4500(totally worth it)
Corsair 450 W - 4100:)cool2:
is my corsair 450 sufficient for the given GPU in the long run ? yes, u can sleep in peace for 5 years.
Comments on Pricing please. Did I pay more ?

U could have saved some money by getting CM real power 460w or GP 650w(price/perfomance) Both are good. GP 650w however comes with 3 yrs warranty.

@4k VX 450 is not worth even though its avery good PSU. The demand for it had increased prices by 1k.
temp: 44C. I think it should be normal however No component of mine reaches 32C under load.:D
Congrats for the new setup enjoy yourself. And as for your Corsair VX450 Query then yes, it will hopefully be supporting most of the DX11 GPU's as well not to worry. :)
Amien said:
That GPU would be a 9600GSO and not GT.
The best OCer in the Geforce 9 series range. You can OC it to easily match/beat a 9800GT. Do look it up =)

Decent rig :) though you should've looked at AMD options, oh well, enjoy :)

You are right. it is GSO and not GT. I will not look for any OCing options for the time being. But will look up. Thanks for suggestion.
nice one..try to buy western digital hard disk

buy any cheap cabinet..like zeb bijli

so that u can save more money for a good graphic card