Hi kniwor (Rohit patel)
Here is the breakup of what we charged you i have already told you about this break up anyways i'll write it again.
CM 600W PSU - 4000 + 50 Tax (CST that we have to pay if we do an interstate deal) + 100 Shipping
AS5 - 450 + 25 Tax + 25 Shipping. (This was the price on the site at that time still the price is 425 not 400/-)
And one more thing 4000/- is my price if you guys get it cheaper in Banglore and delhi etc what can i do abt it i sell it at 4000/- i never forced anyone to buy it from my site if you can get it cheaper from somewhere else ofcourse you'll buy it from there if i'dd been in your shoes i would have done the same thing.
Infact you Emailed me Again in between on 19th of this month asking for one more CM 600 W PSU with the link to the ITDEPOT website and all and i still replied to you with the same price as i really can't sell it for 3.5k infact i dnt thnk anyone in mumbai will and if anyone does then get it from there.
Anyways lets get to your Real problem which is more important than prices now.
You made a payment of 4650/- on 16th of this month
Your order was also dispatched the same day.
I Emailed you the Docket no. day after that.
This is your Docket No - 800251527
Anyone can go to
Gati ->Express Cargo,Warehousing,Logistics Industry in India , Ahead in reach and see that and track it.
After that in between from my end i checked the gati site with your docket no.
And it was showing that it has reached Shalimar Station.
I did'nt knew where this Shalimar Station is so i googled a bit and saw that shalimar and kolkatta are one and the same i really don't know (Correct me guys if i am wrong)
After that its been 9 days and nothing came in from your side you did'nt email me till today nor did you call us our Mobile No. is right there on the Home page so i thought that it must have been delivered and gati guys must not have updated that on the site.
Infact with your order i had dispatched one more order on the same day that was shipped to Bhagalpur (Somewhere in Bihar) Docket No - 800251510 same shipped through Gati saver only (Check this too if you want) and that was delivered at the assured date of 21st by gati so i presumed Kolkatta is a much bigger city than Bhagalpur and you must have received it.
If you want i'll show 50 More docket Nos. where ppl have received their shipment on time infact 90% of them must have received it before time too.
Anyways i got your Email today and i replied you Immediately.
I contacted gati with this fired them a lot abt this and asked them to send your shipment tomm itself.
They said that thy'll email the guys there and tell them to send your shipment urgently so i asked them to send me a CC of that email just to make sure that something is done abt this urgently.
They sent me a CC of the Email and i forwarded the email to you too so that you too know that action is being taken abt it.
Also about my service, Many ppl over here in Mumbai and also Outside mumbai who are members of TE and very well know about my service if you want i'll name them too.
And this is a one of a case
Anyways i'll talk with Gati again tomm morning and try my best to get your shipment delivered tomm and will call you and let you know abt it.
If there is anything else u feel that i should do tell me and i'll do it and post it over here too.