My Windroid HTC Cruise..

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Hello guys...

Here is a interesting experiment ....

Got a HTC Cruise from friend which had an LCD damage. Got the LCD replaced.

A few days ago while browsing, found that we could flash a Windows Mobile phone to run Android.

A new idea sparked. Immediately wanted to try it out on the Cruise.

Googled and found that I need Windows Mobile 6.1 to start with. But I had Windows Mobile 6.

So tried downloading windows mobile 6.5; HTC site says the update is not available for my S/N

Again starting searching for a solution and found a different S/N and downloaded the update.

So here starts my flashing experiments..

Tried flashing to 6.1 and then after 10% IT GETS STUCK. Get an error that it is invalid for my version.

Then I flashed it with HARDSPL to unlock the phone. This gets successfully done in a min or so.

Cool, now i start with the WinMob 6.1 again, after 40% it again gets STUCK. Updater gives some error. Phone remains in the same screen. OMG :ashamed:

Got scared, started googling again.... The phone doesn't boot remains at the start screen.

Finally found a way to get to the boot screen, flashed the HARDSPL again and then tried the 6.1. Now the update works fine...

Done with updating windows mobile to 6.1

Now coming to android on the phone... There are a lot of different builds available on the XDA-developers forum.

After all the research, basically there are 2 ways to use android on Winmob phone.

1. Haret method (Nomorootfs) -> Copy all the req files to SD card and run the Haret.exe application. Voila the phone boots into linux and then magic, android boots.

2. Rootfs method -> Copy the files and run Haret.exe. The catch here is, you need to press some button to get into an installer kind of menu. Here you get to install, update and play with the android application installation.

Refer here for detailed installation steps with pics :

If you don't want to install anything and just want to try, you can do that by copying the files (Nomorootfs) and run haret and boot into android. You need to format the card to FAT32 before starting.

Download the eclair pack from here

Unzip "EclairPack" on the root of your SD card

Run Haret.exe and Enjoy

Once you run Haret.exe in case you see blank screen. You might have to open default.exe and change the type under "board-htcpolaris.panel_type=1" to 0 or 1 and try accordingly.

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^^ Its stable now.

Wi-Fi, GPRS, Camera works.

GPS and Bluetooth doesn't work. But i can always reboot to get back to Windows and use.
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