N97mini - Touch Screen issue

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A Nobody.
Hi all..

I am using a n97 mini for over a year now. around 14 months. Warranty over.:@

The touch screen is acting up. When i touch the screen sometime it wont respond. I have to lock and unlock it few times to make it work. Sometime when i touch the Green call button instead of bringing up the call log it registers a touch INSIDE the screen somewhere.

No issues with the keypad though. working/using it fine through that.

Any idea what the issues are? Touch screen gone?Any idea how much it costs?
Found few in ebay called touch screen digitizer. is that the thing needs to be replaced?

Any help appreciated.

This recently happened to a friend of mine, same phone. After trying a few things, he finally had to replace the touch screen and LCD strip for an estimate of around 3.7k at Nokia care. He managed to talk it down to 3.2k. Problem solved.
even i used to face this issue earlier,but once i unistalled all unnecessary apps frome the phone memory at least 210mb free. Next check if the battery is dying-loosing power? I found that the a phone low on juice cozs the screen to loose reponsivness. I am a power user and hence keep to batteries. Since i have followed these steps the mini seems just unbeatable in terms of funtionality.
red dragon said:
Do a hard reset..calibrate the screen.
Can u elaborate a lil more? :(

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thetoxicmind said:
This recently happened to a friend of mine, same phone. After trying a few things, he finally had to replace the touch screen and LCD strip for an estimate of around 3.7k at Nokia care. He managed to talk it down to 3.2k. Problem solved.
Ahh.. Thank God. so even their max quote was 3.7K. Much better than getting a new phone for 20k. will do that mate. :D. Thanks a tonne.

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mh09ad5578 said:
even i used to face this issue earlier,but once i unistalled all unnecessary apps frome the phone memory at least 210mb free. Next check if the battery is dying-loosing power? I found that the a phone low on juice cozs the screen to loose reponsivness. I am a power user and hence keep to batteries. Since i have followed these steps the mini seems just unbeatable in terms of funtionality.

I have installed around 4 or 5 stuffs from ovi. will uninstall them.

No battery issues at all. *touchwood*

For me its less than quarter of my phone's original price. Let me check some places.
Ahh.. Thank God. so even their max quote was 3.7K. Much better than getting a new phone for 20k. will do that mate. . Thanks a tonne.

Let me check some places.

While other (smaller) repair shops may carry out the replacement for less, I would strongly suggest getting this done at Nokia Care. Authenticity and peace of mind is what you get for the premium paid.

Just so you know, the cheaper screen replacement he tried, lasted for a week or two, before the problems cropped up again.
thetoxicmind said:
While other (smaller) repair shops may carry out the replacement for less, I would strongly suggest getting this done at Nokia Care. Authenticity and peace of mind is what you get for the premium paid.

Just so you know, the cheaper screen replacement he tried, lasted for a week or two, before the problems cropped up again.

I was also talking abt checking the nokia care places in mysore. no others. :)
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