Naked man eats another naked mans face - shot dead by police

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A naked man who was eating another man’s face has been gunned down by police, having refused to stop his horrific attack after being shot once.
The incident happened in Miami, Florida, when a passerby reported to the police seeing two naked men fighting.
Police think the attacker was high on LSD at the time of attack.

Naked man high on LSD eats face off victim before police shoot him in Miami | Mail Online
Yesterday, a cyclist described the terrifying moment he witnessed a naked man tear pieces of flesh from another man's face at the side of a freeway before being shot dead by police when he refused to stop.
Larry Vega, from Miami, was cycling off the MacArthur Causeway on Saturday afternoon when he saw the savage attack, which he described as 'the most gruesome, traumatic thing I have ever seen in my life'.
He told WSVN: 'The guy was like tearing him to pieces with his mouth and I told him to get off. But the guy just kept eating the other guy away, like ripping his skin.
'A police officer came over, told him several times to get off then climbed over the divider and got in front of him and said, "Get off!" But the guy just stood his head up like that with a piece of flesh in his mouth and growled.'
He told WSVN: 'The guy was like tearing him to pieces with his mouth and I told him to get off.

As if the attacker was going to listen!!

Horrific news!! Read somewhere, people on LSD can eat anything and everything, thinking that to be edible.
Horrific news!! Read somewhere, people on LSD can eat anything and everything, thinking that to be edible.

Most hard drugs are reported to desensitize the addict, you can eat yourself, chew out your jaws and pull of your fingernails for that matter. You also can cause injury by repeatedly scratching yourself [basically the brain thinks you want to itch, when you actually do not have to].

That is why kids -- DO NOT DO DRUGS.
He could have been tazered or subdued using non leathal firearms..

Quite brutal either way.
My grandpa and grandma used to tell this to me when I was a kid, "Humans beings are getting wilder, they will even dare to eat other human beings sometime in future".. Ooops, is it turning to be true? :O

That is horrible.. is LSD that effective? :O
Human beings used to be a lot wilder before..

i think the person was mentally unstable, LSD wont do that you.
Cannibalism isn't as uncommon as you guys think. A lot of soldiers resorted to cannibalism during the world war II out of necessity.
Cannibalism isn't as uncommon as you guys think. A lot of soldiers resorted to cannibalism during the world war II out of necessity.
For soldiers, there was a necessity. In this Miami Zombie case, we don't find any. :O
'Bath salts' - wonder if they could put some in the samosas at the Parliament canteen.


On second thought, they probably already do.
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