Name ideas you wish that were invented.

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Name out your ideas or wants for devices or things that were invented to make life easier.
My list is as follows:
1. Instant full body transport like in Star Trek. No need to travel like sardines in a box in trains or busses.
2. A personal robot maid that can cook any dish. Like in some anime. (Time of Eve, if you guys are wondering).
3. Wonder fluid treatment that can regrow our cells to make us young like teens. No need to fear breaking bones, pulling ham strings, slipped disc etc as we age. ;)
4. Personal home nuclear fusion or fission reactor that can generate a gigawatt of electricity and it should not produce any radioactive waste. By product should be iron pellets so you can throw at a person you hate.
5. Self cleaning house. No dirt any where on floors.
Post your ideas now...
A cure to aging and age related body conditions.
Possibility of uploading and downloading memories and mental capabilites.
No shortage of food :)
Near light speed travel, affordably.
Terra-forming Mars or similar planets to be as habitable as earth.
They should make a duplication device then. Just duplicate the food shown on TV inside the TV, else there will be hundreds of people fighting for one plate. Lol.
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also, there should be some type of chip invented, which gets attached to our head like plug-and-play device, so that we can control all our pc-stations, without even touching them :D
Harry Potter's invisible cloak is a must imo.

Let's make this thread even more interesting. Let's think of funny situations that could happen if one of the things mentioned here were used or one of the devices did not perform properly. :D
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