Storage Solutions NAS Sugggestion



Was planning a download rig/media center.

Wanted to know if anyone has NAS or have some suggestions regarding them.

looking for a NAS which can store around 2 HDDs minimum and has wifi capabilities And if possible available in India
Please specify a budget. Something built along the lines of the Intel Atom 230 board should be VFM. Supports a maximum of 2 hard drives thru onboard SATA ports. Runs Windows Home Server without issues. Pair it with a Gigabit-N router.

What all devices apart from the download rig and media center do you intend to pair with this NAS?

I am planning to save my current system from being on for always on. I have made a decent Core I7 rig with HX850 PSU. So feel power being wasted is high.

So want to have router most probably a Cisco WRT160N (thanks Edrill for all suggestions). from there options are :

1) buy a laptop a EEE PC sorts, and connect router to both LT and PC. LT would be on 24x7 and act as download rig and then when at home would pause downloads on there and switch on PC. batch transfer the data as n when required from LT to PC

2) buy a Zotac Ion based mini pc, and connect router similarly. Zotac would act as download rig. Plus with wireless N and Ion graphics could help me play HD/High res movies n music across home.

3) buy a NAS with wifi capabilities. connect that with a router and rest as option 2.

my question is:

1) which system you suggest?

2) under the suggestion what hardware specifications ?

As per devices to be connected are PC, Laptop/Ion PC/NAs, TV, & X-box/PS3 (though this is just future prospect)
Zino HD has some ifs n buts in my mind. many sites have spoken varying views.

like if your Zino is AMD AthlonTM X2 3250e + 4300 as the GC then I have heard its a stable machine for HD. otherwise was said that lag might occur. If i add both of them it then cost of a Zino is 26K.

Though I know I would get a 18.5" monitor + Keyboard + Mouse + Optical drive.
Why do you need NAS with wifi ?? You can connect the NAS via router so that it can be accessible to any pc on the network. Also the Wireless connection is slow when compared to LAN cable. Also get a router with gigabyte port not normal 100 mbps one. The transfer speed will be slow in the case of 100 mbps.
NAS wifi was to give it portability of carrying it around as media store. And connect to some other machines but as u said wifi on NAS isnt a big deal...

anyways to add to other options

chk NAS Adaptor 2.0 by Addionics ... its a adaptor which has in built torrent client etc
Please pardon my ignorance but just trying to help. :)

Will this suit your need?

A member/friend posted having bought the same locally for 2.1K recently. :)

Gannu/Desecrator gave up his D945GCLF based download rig for a Samsung N128 netbook and upgraded it to a 500GB hdd. :)

The D945GCLF uses a ridiculous 22-25W 945GC NB chipset, no Gigabit ethernet and adding a 80+ psu is not cheap apart from HDD, maybe a case and a screen too if not using the secondary input on an existing LCD.

The Asus EEEbox at 8.5K odd with gigabit net seems more vfm and is more power efficient too iirc.

With a Samsung N128, one gets a screen, battery backup and portability for a little more (was 13.5K all incl iirc). :p

But none of the above can play HD content afaik.

But what you may need is a HTPC cum media server with a wireless N network. :p

kyon mazaak kar rahe ho :D

I read about Asus router on many sites, there has been lot of comments on how its torrent go on pause on their own. So even when its almost perfect on paper it has that major issue hope some firmware updates are on their way for it.

and your last sentence sums it though that neither would play HD :) thus didnt explore that option.


This is same as the NAS Adapter i had mentioned.

NAS Adapter from Addonics

however your version is with more slots ethernet and Esata
antz123 said:
This is same as the NAS Adapter i had mentioned.
NAS Adapter from Addonics

however your version is with more slots ethernet and Esata

Ya just checked it. Looks the same, but the Plug Computer is actually like a full computer with a 1.2Ghz Processor and 512 MB Ram. Also has 2 Gigabit Ethernet Ports, eSata etc so file transfer will be much much faster.
Actually i am also in the same boat.. I have like 6TB space needs to made available in network... but the router or the atom combo is not for me...

router is too limited. and the atom combo just supports 2 sata..and in my case only 2 hdd space is there. :(

Thinking of going all DIY.. get a normal case.. rack the hdd's... get a amd combo and load FreeNAS... only way to go... :( :( :( ...

I am soon getting 2 more HDD's... so this is the only way for me...

anyone want my APEX case.. :(
I have one of the addonics NAS 2.0's and it does exactly what I want. I also have one of the Guru Plug's and it does exactly what I want also, though they're not for the same purposes. I use the NAS for my file/print server. For $55, it just doesn't get much better. I paired up an old 320 gb drive and this is just perfect. I use my Guru Plug like a web server mostly. I'm still waiting on my memory stick for it, but I've been playing with it for a week now and I can see some enormous potential. I used to serve up my own web stuff, until the industry matured. In my office, my desk was next to a rack of 7 servers... I could have replaced everything with just 3 of these plugs...
lot to say.. lets start
incase of just single hdd nas. You have Time Capsule. using it at home for backup. Got a used one for 6k around 2 yrs back. doing its job fine. Not good range but portable as required by you but no torrent support.
Needed a nas for office with backup. so bought synology 209+. So the setup is in RAID1.
The reason for buying synology. D-Link DNS323 was working out for 18k from company with bill and warranty. the performance is pathetic but good enough for basic home use. synology was working around 21k from UK much lower now. almost 1.5 yr old. best amoung raid1 setup at that time. the sata harddisk though pushed the budget. but needed a strong nas as 5 comps will access files continuosly including tally program from it.
I had read hundreds of reviews before finalising.
Try DIY if you have time, coz over a period of time its dificult to focus on such things.
The problem of buying from outside INDIA is parts availability. If any problem arises then you are left with a piece of junk.
NAS are very over priced in INDIA compared to their performance, the same are available for half or even less then that outside.
Havent found a good also looking for something like that. But I found somewhere on the net that an average entry level motherboard and processor will not support a 1.5tb hdd. I didnt find any logic in it. But I bought a 1.5tb internal hdd..and it didnt work with my abit board and c2d 3.0 processor. Very strange. It just wont get detected... Any solutions?