Native OpenVPN Router

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Needs suggestion for a router supporting OpenVPN natively rather than using Tomato or DD-WRT, have a RT-N16 running a 3G modem, due to it's 32K nvram limitation cannot run OpenVPN

Have seen a few newer ASUS router having that option however not aware of the exact model number
Consider a pfsense 2.2 box for openvpn. Don't have good experiences with open vpn on mid range routers.

Edit- sorry didn't read your comment about dd-wrt too complex for you. In that case pfsense would be more complex, but provides lots of functions which an average user might not need. I run my box with a g3220 proc and 4gb ram as esxi and run a virtual pfsense machine with one core. With the other core I run a small nas/torrent/streaming server. It chugs well and power consumption is within budget.

But if openvpn is a huge requirement for you, you would really see the benefits.
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Nothing major as such, just found it kind of better compared to the default VPN connection that is provided by the Router, DD-WRT is pretty simple and lot of guides and doesn't not involve installing multiple modules like OpenWRT for the native functionalities line N, seems like will have to tinker some more with Tomato
That's better, but if you consider buying a super router spending 10k+ do consider pfsense. Else just limit yourself to whatever you have currently. Not a worthy upgrade just for VPN,
Prashant - you should have asked me this when we were speaking last week.

Anyways, considering you are planning to setup a VM solution, you could run pfsense in a VM environment if you plan to keep the box on 24x7.

If you have a spare box with enough horsepower to do encryption, then pfsense is a very good bet. You can get out of the box packages for OpenVPN. And this is what I would recommend, and will help setup as well.

If you want something cheap - look at Microtik routerboards on ebay. I have seen them as low as 5K.

Please do call me if you need any more details.
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