Need 2 UPS for home and office

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Thanks to the intermittent power cuts in Bangalore i am on lookout for UPS at home and at office.

Requirements at home

* Minimum 2 to 3 hours of backup to power up HTPC, 32 inch LCD, 2 fans , 2 lights.

Requirements at office

* 30 mins or less backup ( there is generator but it takes about a minute or 2 to start) to power up 8 generic machines, EPABX, Network switch.

I have been getting some insane quotes of 60 to 70K for UPS + battery.
for home use a 800va sinewave will do

Requirements at office:

As u said u want to backup 8 generic machines so each machines consumes less than 100W(considering lcd monitor),for that u should invest in 1400-1500VA UPS.
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