Storage Solutions Need a 1 tb HDD for backup. Shd I go for External or Internal?

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I have a Seagate 7200.12 1tb internal hdd. Am undecided whether to buy another 1 tb internal or external for backing up. I take backups once a month.

Pros of external.
1. Ease of connection.
2. Later on can be used with WDTV/Xtreamer, though no such plans currently.

Pros of internal
1. Cheaper by almost rs.1000
2. faster data transfer
3. warranty is 5 years vis-a-vis ?? years for external.

problem with internal is every month i'll have to open the cabinet and connect the power/data cables, which is a pain. is there anyway that i keep it permanently keep it connected inside, but disable it? I think i have tried it and it still becomes hot, as good as being connected.

any ideas friends? how do you guys manage your backups?
Get an internal drive along with a dock. The dock will cost you between 1.3k to 2K but will offer much flexibility. You can buy as many HDDs as you wish later to back up.
for your type of use the choice is very simple -

~ if you have frequent read and writes and backups then get an internal. by frequent i mean at least once in 2 days.

~ if you want to backup your data only, and will be switching it on only once a week or even lesser then go for an external. they pack up very nicely and do not create clutter.
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sorry for bumping this, but i had the same dilemma. @phoenix's post cleared it up to an extent. :)

(good thing i searched before opening a thread :D )
i actually backup once a month, but still went for an internal. the 5-years warranty on the internal swung it for me :) Seagate 1tb as the main drive, and WD green as the backup. identical partitions on both, with the image of 'c' on the backup 'c'. This way, i presume if my windows crashes, i can instantly start using the backup to boot, and create the image back on the main drive without needing to install windows or other programs.
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