PC Peripherals Need a 10 meter cable which can do 4K@60Hz

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I have read that only a HDMI 2.1 can do this, and they dont go longer than 4 meters? What do home theatre users use to connect to their projectors? Should I get a fiber optic HDMI cable?

Also, is Display port out better or the HDMI port out better? Does Display port out also carry audio?
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Yes, display port can carry audio like HDMI does. Early adaptation of display ports in laptops were without the audio link, but as years passed, they overcame it and now all display ports/cables out there carry audio too. I am currently using display port cable to my monitor and my monitor speakers can play sounds.
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Yes, display port can carry audio like HDMI does. Early adaptation of display ports in laptops were without the audio link, but as years passed, they overcame it and now all display ports/cables out there carry audio too. I am currently using display port cable to my monitor and my monitor speakers can play sounds.

Thanks. Given a choice which would be a better cable to use for a 7.5 to 10 meter connection?
BlueRigger HDMI cable does support 4k 60hz but only upto 7.5m(25 feet). I'm using 4.5m one from same brand for home theatre with CEC support. Quality is superb.
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