PC Peripherals Need a budget printer with print copy scan...

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I have filled my cartridge once. It costed me around 200Rs. They used some kind of injector.
I think even we should be able to do it, provided we get good quality ink.
Now my ink has run out. Need to refill again.
okz so this is it I shall get this one finally... thanks a lot bro for your help... very much appreciated...
I have filled my cartridge once. It costed me around 200Rs. They used some kind of injector. Usually you would run out of black ink. My color cartridge is still not consumed, since i bought my printer.
I think even we should be able to do it, provided we get good quality ink.
Now my ink has run out. Need to refill again.

Please do find out, if they refill ink near your place, else you would need to spend more on getting new cartridges.
ya there is a shop nearby I will ask that person before i buy :)
if you dont print, i guess if it were me, i could fill a cartridge with water and scan to my heart's glory, switch the cartridge to a proper (ink filled) one , when i need to print!!

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