PC Peripherals need a game pad to play fifa-13

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Confusingly confused!
hi,belated happy new year wishes to all.
Recently bought fifa-13 thought it will be a butt-kicking upgrade to fifa11,but dissappointed to see that its very difficult to play with keyboard with all new complicated skills.So,thinking of buying a new game pad.It will be my first game pad please suggest me a good & sturdy game pad that can work with most of the games.
I saw some in flipkart,which one should i buy
Logitech Gamepad F310 - Logitech: Flipkart.com.
Logitech Rumble Gamepad F510 - Logitech: Flipkart.com.
Best you go for a MICROSOFT Wired controller, I have no personal experience with it but every gamer who plays with it swears by its layout and build.

Testimonials can be gathered from -- @Gannu, @Ethan_Hunt and @dinjo.

Hope this helps and wishing all on this thread a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year. Cheerio!
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Yes definitely agree with ALPHA17. I have a xbox 360 wired controller for windows and for a week now started playing Fifa 13. Its the ultimate controller. Been using it for 5+ years now. VFM to the rupee.

For the gamepads that you have chosen the xbox 360 ones is the best. Supports all latest games. The vibration can never be beaten.
Using a X360 controller for close to 5 years now. Had a wired one before and sold it when I got hold of the X360 console which came bundled with a wireless controller. Easily the best controller I've used till date. Very very ergonomic, supported by most titles OOTB and the rubber grip on the analog sticks do not produce that gluey sticky material if the controller is left unused for a long time (happens with the PS3's DS3 controller).

Available in the market for 1400 Rs. and thereabouts. But beware of fakes though.
I have been using Xbox360 controller since 4 years. Every button, analog stick and tigger work precisely. Chinese gamepad that I used before I got Xbox 360 controller, used to give problem with functioning of analog stick after 6 months of usage and had to replace it. With Xbox 360 controller, I haven't faced a single issue with functioning of analog sticks or other buttons/triggers. It's D-pad is not the best in business though( Nothing beats PS3's D-pad), which you won't use much for FIFA anyway. Cable is long and you will never run out of it. I have tied my gamepad's cable together to avoid clutter, as I never utilize whole length of cable. Gamepad is build to last and feels great in hands. Only problem I have faced with it is worning out of rubber on analog sticks, which is inevitable with usage.
Available in the market for 1400 Rs. and thereabouts. But beware of fakes though.
links please.
I am getting new controller for my bro, however nowhere did I found it to be selling for below 1.8k(Looks like price has increased in last 6months). I had ordered Xbox 360 controller a month back from eBay seller for 1.7k, but the seller never shipped it and ebay refunded my money.
Fakes! never heard of that.
While using the analog stick , dont you guys feel that the your thumb pains after every 2-3 game of fifa'13
Go for the XBOX controller, after using it came to know what i was missing, FIFA games are difficult on keyboard nowadays
Ok guys thanks for your inputs:),i will try s.p road first as i need it asap got a 15day vacation from college.What is its street price of controller?
Yepp, x360 controller all the way... It beats every other controller out of the water.... All new games are supported OOTB, rumble feels natural and is precise. The best thing about this controller is the layout which makes it really ergonomic... The placement of thumbsticks matters a lot.... Go for it... I have been using it for 5 years....
I should have mentioned this before but missed my mind. The black variants of the controller has a trivial issue if I may add. The black color from the analog sticks begin to wear off and the thumbs would be all black after a prolonged session with the controller. :P

I did not notice this with the white versions - the grey color from the analog sticks did not seem to come off like this.
The upped d pad controller is probably the best comforting controller

I should have mentioned this before but missed my mind. The black variants of the controller has a trivial issue if I may add. The black color from the analog sticks begin to wear off and the thumbs would be all black after a prolonged session with the controller. :P

I did not notice this with the white versions - the grey color from the analog sticks did not seem to come off like this.

Then I would say its a hit or miss situation. I have a black controller for more than a year. Never did the black color come off.... And, I have played for like 7 hours at a stretch many times...
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