Need a logo and tag line for a small travel agency

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Molar Police
Staff member
I want a logo and a tagline for my uncle's new start-up; a small travel agency. He will be arranging cars and vans for hire and will also organize package tours that cover mainly the 4 states of Southern India. Please create some sort of a logo in your spare time, when you have nothing else to do. The logo and tagline will be used in visiting cards, bills/receipt books, website and on the vehicles themselves.

- The name of the travel agency is Dharshini Tours.

- Would like something which is not too complex; still, it should preferably have some sort of a clipart or graphic image rather than just plain text

- Should look good both in colour and in B/W

Hope to find many interesting logos and taglines to choose from. As of now, I cannot offer any sort of payment for the same. However, I'll try and arrange for something if possible.

Thank you..! :)
Don't tell u started a travel agency to help your folks to go to Shirdi. :P.

On topic have sent the info to a friend lets see if he reverts back.
@Metal: LOL.. My uncle has been a driver for other travel agencies since long. He's finally decided to quit driving, and instead start managing. I'm trying to help him in whatever little way I can. Thanks for letting your friend know. :)

@raks: That line is nice.. but a little too generic. Something more specific to describe South India might be better..

@rishabh: TE members coming to South India can definitely contact me.. I can't comment on discounts, but for sure I can say that you will be in very safe hands. :)
tried to make the tagline read "d(e)tours down south"


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Nice one Chiron.. The tagline also sounds nice. :)

Please share the .psd or .cdr file if possible.
hey Logistopath,

we have prepared 4 sketches based on your requirements :)

kindly select the one that u find best, again the tag line will be attached as per the logo selected.

we believe that Taglines have to be a reflection of ur logos, hence logo selection first :)

kindly check out the image file attached here and also check out the PDF attached to go through the sketches

in detail.

Download PDF here

warm regards

Dinesh Malhotra
@Dinesh: Thanks for the effort. I'll discuss those with my uncle and let you know which one he likes. :) Give me a couple of days.

BTW, the name will be spelt "Dharshini Tours".
sure bro, lemme know which one you`re okay, shall start working on the same

warm regards

Dinesh Malhotra

logistopath said:
@Dinesh: Thanks for the effort. I'll discuss those with my uncle and let you know which one he likes. :) Give me a couple of days.

BTW, the name will be spelt "Dharshini Tours".
'Tour de Dakshin', 'Namma taxi' for tagline

I'd suggest something simple like what chiron did (@chiron: i can see those years paying off :P) or select a logo and tagline after you pick the type of vehicle, colour scheme(like meru cabs) and area of operation(which is the target crowd - tagline in local language). I think hotline number should blend in with the logo itself.

Here's one for example. Vehicle type and white colour should be replaced accordingly

Just realized: me and chiron spelled it wrong :D


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@nishant: Please do. I'd love to have even more options.. :P

@sajitsm: It is just a small start-up.. Nothing like hotline numbers and all. ;)
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