PC Peripherals Need a New PSU

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Well as the topic says.
Ill need a new PSU.
Since im buying the Xaser III from davies...
I thought id upgrade my PSU too. 350Watt just doesnt cut it for overclocking :/.

I have a budget of like 2k.
I need atleast 450W.
I heard the Powersafe 450W is for 1.8k?

Help appreciated.


keep your current PSU and when you can splurge, buy a better one, like the Zebby 540W or the TP 2.0 550W.
Well, i really wanna go to the highest potential of my Pentium D.

Anythings an upgrade from this 350W VIP :P.

I know for a fact my CPU can do a 3.8 Ghz easily! 4.2Ghz too remember ;).
yeah... but that can wait...

No use buying a PS 450 watts now....

Save up for some more time and buy an actually good PSU.
Nikhil is right no use in going for Powersafe, and for overclocking ur intel i dont think PS is safer, if ur going least settle for zebby Diamond series 540W or some antec Power Supply.
i agree with saiyan and nikhil, your dual core and the x800xl consume a lot of power on stock, with oc'ing they will probably consume more. So rather save up and get some good stuff like Antec SP/Tp series or the vantec ion2.

Save up sum more. Then i dont think ill get anything now :/.

May, when i upgrade. ill buy the PSU from there itself :/.
If you really want to go cheap and dont mind ghetto then get the powersafe and use both the PSU's. It should be quite easy to setup/mod if you have a spacious cabinet. If you are a clean-freak then no go.
Well, both PSU's? Lol.

No way, I am a clean freak. Though i can really do much with this PSU.

Ill make sure i get a good sleeved PSU or PSU Wire sleeving in May ;).
buy the antec tp550w mandar is selling for 3k. good deal & it will work fine with ur new pc also when u buy it in may :-)
that psu still has a lots of power. & u can always mod 20pin to 24pin. (contact deejay to know how). & rather buy this for 3k than buy a powersafe for 2k.
Anish said:
^^ Nope Rahul, his is "True Power" not TP2..

So it has 20-pin connectors, no PCIe connectors, etc...

Rahul ...... looks like u are also getting too confused :) .... too many threads about PSU :) ....

Or goldens name is also rahul ..... now i am again getting confused ....
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