Monitors Need advice for shortlisting 1440p monitor

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Hey guys,

Happy new year.

This time, I am in the market to buy a 1440p monitor. I have the following hardware:

R5 3600 @4.2
Gammax cooler
RX 5700XT Sapphire Pulse
2x 8GB 3GHz RAM
Samsung LC24FG73FQWXXL monitor.

The thing is that this Samsung monitor has a freesync range of 70 - 144 Hz, which is a pain in the a$$. When buying this monitor, I did NOT research enough and did not look into the freesync range. Now, whats happening is that when I play games like CSGO, I have an amazing experience even when the FPS is is in 400 range mostly (low 4:3 res stretched, low-med settings). Same for Apex, Siege etc. Basically, any game that runs above 70 FPS is fine.

Now, When I play games such as KCD or CyberPunk 2077 which manage to get only like 60 FPS on my system @1080p, I can notice a huge amount of stuttering and juddery gameplay. I mostly like to play open world games at 1080p highest settings as long as FPS are mostly above 60. For online shooters, I prefer low settings, low res, unlimited FPS kinda deal.

Then, I read about Freesync Premium and LFC that it brings with it. So, I started my hunt to get a new 144 Hz monitor. And, I realized that 1080p monitors are extremely cheap right now at 15k. But, 2K 144 Hz monitors are also not very expensive (<30K). This was not a situation before. I have shortlisted the following monitors so far: -------- 28K ------------ 26K -------------- 31K

The difference between the first and second monitor is only USB hub that I can see. HDR seems to be supported, but more of a joke on these monitors and I dont care about HDR anyway. Good to have, but not necessary. What I cant find is the FreeSync range on these monitors. I have read their manual from Acer site, but could not locate the freesync range.

The MSI monitor has 165 Hz refresh rate, due to which it becomes a solid option too. I am not too keen on curved screens anymore and would like to buy a flat screen, so, I am keeping it as an option but only if the freesync range is at least 48to 165.

So, TLDR: I need a 1440p 144HZ monitor with the widest freesync range possible. I have the following questions:

1. Can somebody confirm how these monitors are? Do you suggest any other monitor?
2. What are the freesync range on these monitors?
3. Is LFC enabled in ALL monitors that have a 48 to 144 Hz freesync range? Meaning, if a game dips below 48 FPS, will it show judders or will it be "compensated" ? Or LFC is a tech limited to only SOME monitors?
Just an update.

I purchased the Acer Nitro XV2. Its a 27 inch 2K monitor with a free sync range of 48 to 144 Hz. It has IPS HDR 400 screen which is amazing. HDR is bad as expected. But the screen itself, its amazing. I have never seen so many rich colors in a monitor before, it feels like, lol. The monitor comes color calibrated from the factory. It supports freesync premium. There is absolutely no blur on the screen. There is more blur on my Samsung 144 hz 1080p monitor which has VA panel, which quite honestly surprised me a lot. Al in all, the best 2k 144 hz monitor you can buy. Thumbs up from me. Thread can be closed now. -------- 28K
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@atiamd Bro just want to hear your opinion, so not opening a new thread.

Can you suggest a 24" 1080p IPS panel monitor with 144hz 1ms refresh rates. We have very few models and I have shortlisted Viewsonic XG2405. Asus VG259Q also looks good but the price has gone up recently.
I'm new to this area and would like your opinions on XG2405. Or if there's an alternative product for the same price.
Here you go my friend. As you can see from my post, I can vouch for Acer Nitro series now. I found an IPS 1080p 144 hz monitor for 14k on amazon. Here's the link (This monitor does NOT use the same Innolux panel that mine does, so research a bit online before you buy it. One review on amazon says it has ghosting issues, and again, I HAVE NOT used this monitor, so I dont know):

Then, there are quite a few monitors on amazon:

I use a samsung CFG73 which has a VA panel and is 1080p 144 hz. Screen wise, its as good as IPS and as added advantage, has deeper blacks. However, it has a freesync range of 70 to 144 hz which is what forced me to buy a monitor with a wider range. Games like fallout, dark souls etc. are locked at 60 FPS, due to which they become a jittery mess on this Samsung monitor. Then, there are games like Cyberpunk 2077 that mostly play below 70 FPS even on my 5700XT at 1080p. So, having a range of 48-144 is extremely important. Read below for details:

Also, here is the link for freesync monitors. Always, check the model number here and see if it supports freesync premium. You NEED premium on 144 hz models. Reason: Premium defines the monitor to have a freesync range of >=2.5 times the minimum refresh rate. Meaning, a monitor having a freesync range of 48 HZ to 144 is a premium model. A monitor with a freesync range of 70 to 144 is not. And, trust me, nott every game plays above 70 FPS at all times. Which means the bigger this freesync range is, the better it is for you. This is also called Low framerate compensation (Google it, read it, understand it, its very VERY important).

Almost all freesync monitors are also gsync compatible. You can check that list here:

Remember, freesync and freesync premium are two different things. You absolutely need premium on a 144 hz monitor. All you need is to know what the freesync range is on a monitor. As long as its 48 to 144 (Or, below 48 to 144), you are good.

Similarly, gsync and gsync compatible are two different things. gsync compatible works like freesync premium (has a range). gsync and gsync ultimate have a 0 to 144 range, which means smooth gameplay at every frame rate (of course not below 30 due to obvious reasons).
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Thanks sir!
You have provided more info that I didn't know before. Will go through those and evaluate the best based on my budget. Very much invaluable. Good day !
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