CPU/Mobo Need Advice in choosing AMD Mobo & Ram

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My full rig will be purchased very soon. After inquiring about the availability and prices of several mobo's
I have to choose between these options:

Biostar TA785G3 HD- NA
MSI 785GM-E51- Rs.4200

I know the gigabyte 880 is a popular choice, but the MSI price seems really good. I haven't seen many people recommend this mobo....so I just needed some opinions on which one to go for.

I also needed to pick a set of Ram that would be perfectly compatible...but alot of Ram show support only for 785 and 790 chipsets. :S

Non-ripjaws Gskill 1333 ddr3 -Rs.4800
Gskill Ripjaws 1333mhz ddr3-Rs.5250
Gskill ddr3 1600mhz ripjaws 2x2 (4gb pack) (Gskill F3-12800CL9D-4GBRL) - 5300/-
Corsair XMS3 ddr3 1333mhz 2x2 (4gb pack)- TW3X4G1333C9G- 5200/-

Would any of these work perfectly with my mobo?

Since I was on a budget I was also looking at value ram from corsair. iT would save a few hundred bucks more. How much worse would it perform compared to xms3 or ripjaws?

For my processors the x4 635 is for 5k at itwares and 150rs more at PRime....but prime has the c3 revision. Should I bother?

-This is all for a gaming pc. Overclocking is not somthing I plan to do immediately. After a year of ownership maybe.

Whats ur budget? Are the mobo/RAM prices VAT inclusive.
Where in Mumbai did u get quote for GIGABYTE GA-880GM-UD2H?
Gigabyte is top tier mobo manufacturer and slightly better than MSI. Also A.S.S of Gigabyte mobos in India is among the best if not the best.

Go for the GIGABYTE GA-880GM-UD2H over the GIGABYTE GA-MA785GMT-US2H. UD2means the board is all solid caps. More durable. US2 means only CPU VRM is solid caps.

If tight on budget Cosair Value RAM would do. As u say u can save ~0.4-0.5K by doing that. If gaming rig u can also gamble on getting a 555BE and trying to unlock it. It has 80%+ unlock success rate :)
Thanks DarkAngel.

That's the problem in Mumbai. I can't find alot of the under 5k boards. The ones that I can find ,have shot up in price.
So I resorted to inquiring with dealers out of Mumbai.

GIGABYTE GA-880GM-UD2H- 4750rs (vat included) was quoted by SMC by mail.(Is the price wrong?....it's without usb3.0 btw) But I will have to pay 200rs for delivery. If you know of a similar price in Mumbai I'd rather buy it here.

I was worried after reading this:GA-880GM-UD2H problems... frustrating!! (take 2) - Gigabyte - Motherboards-Memory.

This will be my first rig and I'd rather not deal with unlocking cores. I know its not that hard to do, but I'd rather not take a chance. A guaranteed tri or quad at similar or lower price is prefferd. Should I bother trying to get a c3 revision athlon?

The 1333mhz & 1600 rams seems very closely priced(100-150rs)....does it matter which one?
I have no problem paying for the xms3 or ripjaws...just wondering if gaming performance/durability would be noticeablely inferior on a value ram. On the gigabyte site only a few select ram modules are shown to be compatible.

Memento said:
Thanks DarkAngel.

That's the problem in Mumbai. I can't find alot of the under 5k boards. The ones that I can find ,have shot up in price.
So I resorted to inquiring with dealers out of Mumbai.

GIGABYTE GA-880GM-UD2H- 4750rs (vat included) was quoted by SMC by mail.(Is the price wrong?....it's without usb3.0 btw) But I will have to pay 200rs for delivery. If you know of a similar price in Mumbai I'd rather buy it here.

I was worried after reading this:GA-880GM-UD2H problems... frustrating!! (take 2) - Gigabyte - Motherboards-Memory.

This will be my first rig and I'd rather not deal with unlocking cores. I know its not that hard to do, but I'd rather not take a chance. A guaranteed tri or quad at similar or lower price is prefferd. Should I bother trying to get a c3 revision athlon?

The 1333mhz & 1600 rams seems very closely priced(100-150rs)....does it matter which one?
I have no problem paying for the xms3 or ripjaws...just wondering if gaming performance/durability would be noticeablely inferior on a value ram. On the gigabyte site only a few select ram modules are shown to be compatible.

Are all the quotes from SMC? U can choose the 785G Giga if u feel the 880G has lots of issues. The 880G mobos are new and i am not even able to find listing for 880G giga boards in TE dealers and similar popular online sites. Even SMC's website doesnt carry listing for this model.

If u go for a 4GB XMS3 Kit/ RipJaws then u are almost gauranteed that they are a matched kit and will run in dual channel mode. They have heat spreaders and faster RAM is good if u decide to OC the proccy.(Normally AM3 is limited to 1333MHz RAM speed default. Even faster kits will perform at this speed by default)
Well, neither prime ,smc or Itwares have those mobo's on their websites. That's why I inquired by email with them. Not that many users here have the 880 ud2h so I can't verify if that was a one off problem. I'll make a trip to lamington tomorrow and try to get some lower quotes.

The first two 2 ram pack prices in my OP are from SMC, the other two are from prime.

I guess then I'll stick to 1333mhz xms3 or ripjaws(Whichever is less and more reliable/better service)....if the 1600mhz is going to run at 1333mhz anyway...what's the point. Or am I misunderstanding?
Memento said:
Well, neither prime ,smc or Itwares have those mobo's on their websites. That's why I inquired by email with them. Not that many users here have the 880 ud2h so I can't verify if that was a one off problem. I'll make a trip to lamington tomorrow and try to get some lower quotes.

The first two 2 ram pack prices in my OP are from SMC, the other two are from prime.

I guess then I'll stick to 1333mhz xms3 or ripjaws(Whichever is less and more reliable/better service)....if the 1600mhz is going to run at 1333mhz anyway...what's the point. Or am I misunderstanding?

Take a look at these too :)

[IC] Rs 4800 - Silverline 996768 4GB 1333Mhz Kit | Mushkin Limited Time Deals
Hmm. I know absolutely nothing about mushkin. Also rarely see them suggested in config recommendation topics. Not sure about their service in india compared to Corsair/Gskill. Is the model you linked superior in performance to the ram sticks I linked? I really have no idea about this brand.

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

how is the MSI 785GM-E51 compared to the 2 gigabytes?Quality and performance wise. I ask because I'm getting a nice price of 4150/-.
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