Car & Bike Need advice on buying a head unit for my car

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Hey guys.

I need to put a new HU in my Linea.

Since I have the emotion model, it only had CD, and no random option.

I looked into a few here in Pune, but the prices at carax are higher than what my research has shown.

Budget: Somewhere around 15k

Requirement: 1DIN/2DIN HU, with USB, compatible with iPhone, Bluetooth (Inbuilt or with adapter)

So if anyone has any knowledge about HUs and/or can give me the number of a person who can help me out, I'd be very grateful.

TIA :)
Get Pioneer DEH 7350 BT it has everything you want .Double Dins are not so good best bet is single din .If you are not looking for BT then Pioneer DEH-P4150UB should do ( has everything except BT)
Metalspree said:
Get Pioneer DEH 7350 BT it has everything you want .Double Dins are not so good best bet is single din .If you are not looking for BT then Pioneer DEH-P4150UB should do ( has everything except BT)
Why are double dins not good?

What about the other brands like kenwood, alpine, etc?

I hear there is a kenwood single din HU which has bluetooth and just costs 9000.
Some of the Alpines are supposed to be the best sounding HUs . Incase you plan to do a serious setup with the speakers etc , visit Team-bhp ICE section for suggestions or ask DarkLord over here .
FaH33m said:
Some of the Alpines are supposed to be the best sounding HUs . Incase you plan to do a serious setup with the speakers etc , visit Team-bhp ICE section for suggestions or ask DarkLord over here .
It already has an Infinity amp and Rockford speakers...

Thinking about a sub too, but don't see a need yet.

Ill ask darklord.

As for tbhp, they won't let me in, so can't ask. I didn't bother to apply again when they rejected the application.
I've narrowed it down to 4 pioneer models.

AVH-2390DVD (2 DIN, 5.4" LCD, w/o bluetooth(BT))
AVH-P3350BT (2 DIN, 5.4" LCD, w/ BT)
DEH-6390SD (1 DIN, w/o BT)
DEH-7350BT (1 DIN, w/ BT)

A few questions if someone could help me out with,
1. Would the LCD be a distraction while driving?
2. If you have tried it, how is the bluetooth?
3. Could someone please get me street prices for these models if possible? I've tried, but the prices are not what I expect them to be.
regarding the first one - Its never happened with me so far, but if you feel that you're getting irritated by it then you can put it on the dim backlight mode (most alpine, kenwood and sony HU's support backlight control)
Poga said:
@no. 3..I doubt AVH-P3350BT (2 DIN, 5.4" LCD, w/ BT)

is sub 15k
I expect it to be around 20-22k.

I don't think they play xvid formats. So I think I might have to reconsider...
If I find a good HU in US, should I buy it from there if the price is right?

Do pioneer/alpine/blaupunkt/kenwood HUs carry international warranty?
I dont think that any of the hu brands carry international warranty, not sure though. I got my Alpine headunit from the states, if you get it installed properly and are not usually clumsy with electronics I would assume that you would have no problems the first year, however its no gaurantee. shit happens at the shittiest of times. If you are not comfortable with the idea of no warranty then you should buy one here with bill.

My installer is a greedy fool, and even him, after splicing the wires through the harness could not fry the hu. :D

The US hu will have different fm frequency tuning range, if you listen to radio and want allllllllllllll the radio channels you should purchase local.

edit: buy from the usa, you may find very cheap deals there, bundled packages etc..but do keep in mind the above cos i wont pay for hu repair incase it fries hehe
double din wont fit linea without some modifications..I have read somewhere about someone getting USB added to the stock HU, let me check..
man...before buying anything first check size of 1DIN and 2 DIN and see if they fit in your car. i am also in same trouble. i have Manza and for both cars its costume made HU yours is 1.5DIN and min is weird 2DIN but due to shape cant fit other company 2DIN. you just cant take out your player and put other brand. you dont have Maruti car with standard 2DIN space empty for you. if you want to upgrade HU for music quality then add AMP and change speakers and keep OEM HU.
post details dude....what AMP, what speakers or HU and installation place? price. i am planning of AMP and speaker upgrade too but Pune auto shop owners are chor...quote any useless price :(
Go to Poona Motors on MG road. Talk to hemant, tell him Mohit told you to see him.

I will be going to him tomorrow to get a sub added most probably.

As for which set of speakers and amp, choose the ones that sound best to you. That's always the way to go. Else hemant will guide you.
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