OC & Modding Need advice on purchasing a couple of things.

Prime has bumped up the price of the regular CCF (120mm) to 2600.

but I'm sure even the 92mm fan would be high CFM.

Its definitely worth buying.
Thanks guys :)
I will get the bigger fan cooler and laptop cooler tomorrow..really need to close my cabinet and properly place it :S
Dude take a careful look at your board before picking up that cooler. I am running it but i had a hell of a time getting it on. Its a great cooler but some boards may have compatibility issues.
HEY GUYS didn't want to break in the thread but couldnt stop myself
"""Core-Contact freezer 120mm CPU Cooler""""thats the cooler i would buy if it comes with its ***fan*** and is priced around RS 2500

....................................do u guys have any idea if it comes with a fan or not & if any guy colud give me a exact price i would be realy gratefull

i aam abut to get a phenom 9950 125W am2+ and a amd's ASUS M3A78 -PRO(AXT) or a M3A78-EM(mAXT) any details of them would ALSO be helpfull
i had ccf but its very hard and irritating to install it , takes lot of time and force to install . during installation one of the pushpin also got broken and i could not find the bracket anywhere :mad: .

using TRUE now and it takes less than a minute to install it and much secure mounting mechanism than CCF and temps also better than CCF , 48c load on Q9550 @4ghz . worth spending few hundred bux extra over CCF .
^Amen to that. Installation is a pain with coolers having push-pin mechanisms. I'd vouch TRUE over the CCF any day.

Damn I shouldn't have sold my TRUE to Rave. :p
some ppl find it painful to install ccf...n it was painful for the 1st time for me too..
but i have found a work around for it n now the process is very easy n not pain ful at all..
the following pic shall describe the work around..
follow the instuctions from left to right.

the 2nd instruction...
push it just enough to bring the lock to its desired level on socket retention.

plz try n let me know if it helps wellas :)
u have amd so u can install easily as it has backplate already , but in intel after installing the backplate there is no space left to push the clip using thumb ... :|
madnav said:
some ppl find it painful to install ccf...n it was painful for the 1st time for me too..
but i have found a work around for it n now the process is very easy n not pain ful at all..
the following pic shall describe the work around..
follow the instuctions from left to right.

the 2nd instruction...
push it just enough to bring the lock to its desired level on socket retention.

plz try n let me know if it helps wellas :)

Seems it would be much easier to install after unlocking it :p Donno but I didn't notice that lock :ashamed: Now even mentioned in the manual :mad: Thanks fo the heads up :)